Anant Ambani and Radhika Merchant’s wedding, dubbed the “Wedding of the Century,” was a grand spectacle of elegance and luxury. The event, held at the Jio World Convention Centre, saw an array of celebrities donning exquisite outfits from Royaleum, adding a touch of glamour to the celebrations.
Sakshi Dhoni, accompanied by her husband, former Indian cricket captain MS Dhoni, captivated the audience with her stunning light green Anarkali from The Royaleum. Designed by Hetal Shah, the outfit perfectly blended modern aesthetics with traditional craftsmanship, making her one of the evening’s most admired guests.
Bollywood singer Neeti Mohan also graced the event in a gorgeous pink embroidered lehenga from The Royaleum. Her performance of “Sawaar Loon” left the audience spellbound, highlighting the brand’s ability to create unforgettable moments through its designs.
Since its inception in 2020, The Royaleum, under the creative direction of Hetal Shah, has been a beacon of luxury fashion. Based in Vile Parle West, Mumbai, the brand is renowned for its exclusive prints and meticulous craftsmanship, featuring traditional designs such as patola, bandhani, and shikargah, adorned with intricate embroidery.
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