KPs demand probe in Mattan incident, security to religious places

Excelsior Correspondent
JAMMU, July 30: Prominent socio political activists and leaders of Kashmiri Pandit community have expressed serious concern and resentment over the mysterious fire incident that took place at Mattan Town Anantnag Kashmir in which four houses of Kashmiri Pandits and a Kothar got burnt down recently and have demanded an immediate high level probe into the incident to identify those anti social elements who have committed such heinous crime.
They demanded stern action against those elements who are trying to divide people and create hatred among communities, spreading fear psychosis and attempting to sabotage proposed rehabilitation move of Kashmiri Pandits back in Valley.
In joint statement issued today by these leaders including Rakesh Koul senior BJP leader, vice president BJP district Anantang and Vinod Pandita social activist and others have termed the incident at Mattan as heart breaking and painful.
Koul has appealed Lt. Governor of J&K to immediately order a time bound high level probe into this incident so that people behind this incident are identified and brought to justice. He further added that such elements who aim to disturb peace and communal harmony here need be dealt with iron hand once for all so that peace and communal harmony is maintained at all costs.
Koul also demanded adequate compensation for the owners of the houses who have suffered huge financial losses in this incident.
Vinod Pandita and Vijay Raina, general secretary BJP Kulgam have appealed for beefing up immediate safety and security measures at all such places including temples and shrines in Kashmir Valley forthwith as well as all such locations where heritage houses of Kashmiri Pandits still exist in a good shape.
Others who condemned the incident and demanded probe included Bharat Kachroo (social activist), I.K.Koul , Ashok Dhar, Shubam Koul, Maharaj Krishan , Vishal Jotshi, Vinod Bhat.
Meanwhile, senior KP leader and former president Mattan Tiratth Trust M K Yogi has also expressed his serious concern over torching of heritage houses in Mattan. He said burning down of these heritage houses is indeed shocking as it was an identity of the town and old architecture. Yogi demanded adequate compensation to owners or the Government should reconstruct these buildings at its own.