India offers Sri Lanka all support in political solution of Tamil issue

NEW DELHI, July 1:
India is making effort to revive the talks between the Sri Lankan Government and Tamil parties that have remained stalled for quite some time.
New Delhi has offered Sri Lanka any support it needs in the process of political reconciliation and settlement that has been undertaken by the Sri Lankan Government following the end of conflict with LTTE.
National Security Adviser Shivshankar Menon, who this week visited the country, told its leadership that while the issue was internal one, but still India would be happy to play any role it was required to achieve peace and stability in the country.
Mr Menon during his visit was briefed about steps being taken by the Sri Lankan government on political reconciliation and settlement. “While this is a Sri Lankan issue and something that Sri Lanka has to do, we will continue to remain engaged with all concerned and offer any support required in this regard,” he said there. (UNI)