Interlocutors report against national integrity: Jitendra

Excelsior Correspondent
BANGALORE, July 1: “The report submitted by the interlocutors on Jammu and Kashmir erodes the integrity of Indian Republic and seeks to legitimize separatism”, said Dr Jitendra Singh, BJP National Executive member and Chief Spokesperson J&K.
Dr Singh was addressing a gathering of intellectuals at Gokhale Institute of Public Affairs at Basavanagudi, Bangalore, in a State-level seminar on “Jammu Kashmir: Facts, Problems and Solution’, organised by Citizen for Democracy.
“The imbroglio of Jammu and Kashmir has a clear history. The first Prime Minister Jawahar Lal Nehru made major blunders by bringing Article 370 at Jammu and Kashmir which gave a special status to it and by taking the issue of Kashmir to the UNO”, he said, adding “Article 370 brought by Nehru has now become a political tool”.
“The recent study report by Dileep Padgaonkar led Interlocutors is unacceptable as it has no solution for anything. It just keeps the wound unhealed and imbues to widen the crisis”, said Dr Jitendra Singh.
“The interlocutors have used the term Pak Administered Kashmir instead of Pakistan occupied Kashmir. Only Separatists use the term Pak Administered and Indian Administered Kashmir. Even Pakistan never used this term but they call it as Azad Jammu Kashmir”, he said, adding “this is the very language the separatists and terrorist organizations have been using”.
He further said, “they do not even consider nationalist people including 10 lakh PoK refugees uprooted in 1947, 4 lakh West Pak refugees of 1947, 4 lakh Kashmiri Pandit living in exile since 1990, terror victim of Jammu, Ladakh people and even Gujjar, Shia, Pahari Muslim as stake holders for final solution of dispute”.
They (Interlocutors) have recommended amendment in Public Safety Act, review of Disturbed Area Act and re-appraisal of application of controversial AFSPA. They have also recommended a Judicial Commission to look into the issue of “Unmarked Graves” in Kashmir valley but they do not find it necessary to give justice to the victims of planned violence against thousands of minority Hindus, Dr Singh said.
“No specific recommendation for PoK refugees, Kashmir Pandits and terror affected people of Jammu region has been made by the interlocutors”, he said, adding “the people of weaker sections – SC, ST, OBC Refugees are not getting their due share but they failed to get attention of Interlocutors”.
Dr Singh said that all the recommendations of interlocutor would ultimately lead to reversal of process of integration of Jammu and Kashmir with Bharat started in 1953 after martyrdom of Dr Shyama Prasad Mukherjee.
In different sessions of the seminar, a talk on “Article 370 and Discrimination in J&K” was given by noted advocate Vikram Phadke. Member of Parliament from Uttarahand. Anant Kumar Hegde spoke on `Roots of Separatism’. A talk on “The imbroglios at Pak occupied Kashmir” was delivered by Prashant Vaidyaraj, IT Professional.
Senior Journalist, R K Mattoo presided over the event.