Heartfelt farewell accorded to retirees

Excelsior Correspondent

JAMMU, Aug 31: J&K Economic Reconstruction Agency (JKERA) today gave a warm send-off to Ajay Kapahi, the outgoing Director of JKERA who attained superannuation from Government service today. At a simple but graceful function held at JKERA office, Rambagh in Srinagar, the contribution of officer was recalled and best wishes were given to him for his post retirement life.
Chief Executive Officer, JKERA, Muhammad Aijaz Asad, while remembering the services of Kapahi, wished him all the best for his post-retirement life. Rakesh Mahajan, (Director, Technical, JTFRP), Dr Sajad Wani (Chief Accounts Officer, JTFRP), Syed Farhat and Shabeer Hussain (both Executive Engineers, JKERA) and all the other staff of JKERA and JTFRP were present on the occasion.
Department of Information and Public Relations (DIPR), Jammu bade a warm farewell to Information Assistant Neel Kamal and PAS Operator Ashok Kumar who attained superannuation today. Neel Kamal Information Assistant served in the department for over 33 years whereas PAS Operator Ashok Kumar served for 28 years.
An impressive function was organized in the Auditorium of DIPR to bid farewell to the officials. Joint Director Information, Atul Gupta; Deputy Director (PR) Jammu, Ankush Hans; Deputy Director (HQ), Virender Gupta; Field Publicity Officer, Mukesh Kumar, Youth Information Officer, Monika Sambyal; Information Officers, Sachin Bali, Ashu Kumari besides other officers and officials of the department and family members of retiring officials attended the function.
Speaking on the occasion, Joint Director Information hailed the services rendered by the retiring officials in DIPR, and extended his best wishes to the officials for their post-retirement life.
A warm farewell was accorded today to Sangeeta Sharma (Lecturer in Education), on her superannuation, at Martyr Balbir Raj Government Higher Secondary School, Mansar (Udhampur) by staff of the School. Sangeeta rendered 34 years of service to Education Department. Principal of the School, Charu Anand and other staff members extended best wishes to the retiree for her post retirement life.
The staff of Government Girls High School, Seer Balah (RS Pura) organized a farewell party for Kanchan Sharma (Headmaster of the School) on her superannuation. She rendered 35 years of service in the Education Department. All the staff members wished the retiring officer a healthy and prosperous retired life.
J&K Police Kathua organized an impressive farewell function at District Police Office/District Police Line Kathua to bid adieu to 6 superannuating officers namely Inspector Rakesh Kumar, Sub Inspector Angrez Singh, Sub Inspector Yash Paul, Sub Inspector Shambu Dutt, Sub Inspector Balwant Singh and Sub Inspector Shivdev Singh who got superannuated from their active services today. The send off function was chaired by SSP Kathua, Deepika, who along with CPO Kathua Vandhana Jamwal Senior
Prosecuting Officer Munish Kumar, Deputy SP Headquarters Kathua Manjeet Singh, Deputy SP DAR Kathua Subash Chander and other officers wished them good health and long life for the next phase of their life.