Dr Harleen attends MoHFW & WHO training program

Excelsior Correspondent

JAMMU, Sept 2: Ministry of Health and Family welfare Govt of India in collaboration with World Health Organization (India) under the National TB elimination programme conducted regional training programme of Trainers on Airborne Infection Control Measures in institutions with Drug Resistant TB centers at Chandigarh.
Dr Harleen Kaur, Member Secretary Hospital Infection Control Committee GMC Jammu was invited to attend the programme along with her team. Dr Malik Parmar, National Program Officer, WHO facilitated the meeting on the Environmental Controls for air borne infections.
During the training sessions, standard precautions, use of PPE kits, capacity development of staff, Monitoring and evaluations were discussed in details. Dr Radha Taralekar, WHO National consultant , TB Prevention deliberated upon the different aspects of Health Care workers Safety and Surveillance.
Dr Anu George, Training lead, FIND discussed the cadre wise role in Air borne infection control and way forward. Dr Harleen Kaur discussed the various steps adopted in J&K on the prevention of air borne infections and made the participant aware about the proactive role taken in the GMC Jammu and the new GMCs to prevent the spread of emerging and reemerging diseases.
It was stressed upon all the participants to strengthen their respective areas of work and train the health care providers on the role and importance of Airborne Infection Control measures in the present scenario where everyone is facing the increasing incidence of drug resistant tuberculosis along with the global threat of emerging and remerging air borne infectious diseases.