Those denying return of peace enjoy free strolls in Lal Chowk: Dr Jitendra

Union Minister Dr Jitendra Singh addressing a public rally at Kalakote in district Rajouri on Tuesday.
Union Minister Dr Jitendra Singh addressing a public rally at Kalakote in district Rajouri on Tuesday.

‘Rajouri-Poonch deliberately neglected by Cong-NC’

Avtar Bhat

KALAKOTE, Sept 3 : Making a scathing attack on Congress and National Conference (NC) leadership, Union Minister in PMO with independent charge of Science & Technology and Earth Sciences, Dr Jitendra Singh today said that those who deny return of peace in J&K themselves enjoy free strolls at Lal Chowk , Srinagar now.

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The Union Minister was talking to reporters on the sidelines of an election rally during the filing of nomination papers by BJP candidate for Sunderbani -Kalakote Assembly segment, Thakur Randhir Singh here.
Dr Jitendra Singh said there is a sea change in Valley situation since the Narendra Modi Government took over in 2014. The NC Congress party leaders who were in power in J&K and Delhi had no courage to come out of their guarded buildings and move freely in Kashmir and today they enjoy total freedom to taste ice cream during night hours in Srinagar’s Lal Chowk.
Dr Jitendra Singh said that the credit goes to BJP Government led by Narendra Modi which took concrete steps in restoring peace in the UT of J&K and referred that the Article 370 was a great hurdle in this regard as the Kashmir centric parties were using it to their vested political interests by exploiting common masses.

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Dr. Jitendra Singh while addressing the mammoth rally in presence of the local Lok Sabha MP, Jugal Kishore Sharma, said that Rajouri-Poonch region was deliberately neglected by successive Congress and National Conference (NC) Governments in the past as a part of their appeasement policy and Kashmir-centric approach.
Dr Jitendra Singh said, over the last half a century or so, there has not been a single occasion when the MLAs elected from this region on Congress or NC mandate did not find an important Ministerial berth in State Government and in spite of this, the region did not get its due, then who is responsible for this.
He said, it is for the analysts to find out whether it was done deliberately because the Congress or NC MLAs elected from this region preferred to dance to the tune of their Kashmir-centric masters so that their Ministerial berths could be preserved and they could continue enjoying the loaves and fishes of office.
The result of this, said Dr Jitendra Singh, was that this region suffered from basic amenities like proper road network for as long as till 2014 when Narendra Modi took over as Prime Minister at the Centre and an era of equitable development began. Most of the PMGSY roads and rural connectivity has taken place in the last 10 years, he said. Most strikingly, he said, the National Highway being constructed in the region was also initiated and undertaken only after the Modi Government undertook.
Not only this, at the social level, alleged Dr Jitendra Singh, for petty vote bank politics, the Congress and its allies denied equal rights to different sections of society. It is only the Modi Government, which not only provided political reservation to Scheduled Tribes but also addressed the legitimate demands of the Gujjars and Pahari communities living in the region, who had been reduced to second class citizens by their own elected representatives, he said.
It is only today, said Dr Jitendra Singh, the benefits of Modi’s welfare schemes like Ayushman Bharat Insurance Cards, PM Awas Yojna to construct pucca houses and Ujjwala scheme to provide LPG connection to house wives reaching every household regardless of whether the house belongs to Muslim or a Hindu or a Rajput or a Brahmin or a Schedule Tribe.
Dr Jitendra Singh said, by sending a BJP elected representative from here, we would be able to send the message that this region is a part of the development journey led by Prime Minister Narendra Modi and look up to him for undoing the injustice meted out in the past.
MP Jugal Kishore Sharma also highlighted the achievements of Modi Government saying special focus was given by Modi led BJP Government for the development of backward and far flung areas.