Secular Cong accepted by all: DyCM

Excelsior Correspondent
Kathua, Apr 15:     Deputy Chief Minister Tara Chand alongwith former Minister and MLA Vijaypur, Surjeet Singh Slathia and MLC Subash Gupta held an extensive tour of Kathua and Hiranagar constituencies and campaigned for Ghulam Nabi Azad, candidate for Udhampur-Doda Lok Sabha constituency.
While addressing series of rallies, Tara Chand called upon the people to support Azad and strengthen the roots of secularism in the society, adding that the Congress Party stands for secularism and unity among the country. He said the divisive political forces should be defeated with huge numbers so as to give a befitting reply to those who tend to polarize society in the name of religion, caste and creed.
He said support for Azad is direct support to the harmoniums and secular fabric of the nation as well as the State.
“We all know development record of the State during the tenure of Mr Azad as Chief Minister and his record as best Health Minister of the country is a proud for all inhabitants of the State,” he added.
He further appealed to the people not to fall prey to the false promises of certain politicians and compare the track record of the Coalition Government in the State.
“As Union  Health Minister Azad has not only given liberal funds of strengthening existing health infrastructure in the State by way of new Super Specialty Hospitals but new Medical Colleges have also been sanctioned,” he said.
Highlighting the achievements of the Coalition Government, Tara Chand described establishing new administrative units in the State as a historic decision and a step further in the direction to bring the administration near to the common man. He said opening of new colleges, schools, upgradation of schools, extending benefits under IAY, MGNREGA and other social sector schemes has been well appreciated by the people.
Giving a clarion call to the people for ensuring huge victory of Ghulam Nabi Azad, Slathia said that the Coalition Government has worked hard to ensure all-round development in the State and launching of mega projects all across the State would go a long way in addressing the development aspirations of the people. He said need of the hour is to strengthen the secular forces and give a befitting reply to the divisive forces.
Subash Gupta (MLC) appealed for support to Mr Azad and called upon the people to ensure huge success to the joint candidate.