SAP Aerospace unveils successful demonstration of Tru-Fuel Flex technology

SAP Aerospace team posing along with IIT Jammu, Director Prof. Manoj Singh Gaur in Jammu on Monday.
SAP Aerospace team posing along with IIT Jammu, Director Prof. Manoj Singh Gaur in Jammu on Monday.

Excelsior Correspondent

JAMMU, Sept 9: SAP Aerospace a deep tech startup from IIT Jammu today achieved a significant advancement in the field of zero-carbon energy and propulsion technologies with the successful demonstration of its Tru-Fuel Flex technology.
SAP Aerospace’s Tru-Fuel Flex technology is a novel solution designed to operate with both gaseous and liquid fuels, providing versatility for land-based and aero engine applications.
This innovative solution is capable of operating gas turbines on 100% hydrogen fuel, marking a first-of-its-kind achievement in India.
The recent demonstration showcased 100% hydrogen combustion using the fuel-flexible combustor technology. Hydrogen has three times more calorific values than a traditional fuel.
However, hydrogen being the lightest element has high diffusivity and requires highest attention to safety, leakage prevention, and ignition control.
A demonstration was carried out to show transitions from 100% methane to 100% hydrogen, the characteristics of the flame change significantly. A symmetric and stable flame front was observed for all the cases at desired operating condition.
With this achievement, SAP Aerospace is further advancing the efforts to realize next generation gas turbine engines.
Hydrogen, known for its clean and efficient properties, offers a promising alternative to traditional fossil fuels. When burned, hydrogen’s primary byproduct is water, making it an environmentally friendly option for energy production.
This breakthrough is critical in the global shift towards decarbonization, as developing gas turbines that can run entirely on hydrogen is a key step in achieving a sustainable, zero-carbon future.