GDC Women organizes training workshop in collaboration with KVK

Students of GDC for Women Kathua display the gifted vermibed during training workshop.
Students of GDC for Women Kathua display the gifted vermibed during training workshop.

Excelsior Correspondent

KATHUA, Sept 10: Govt Degree College for Women, Kathua is organizing a five day skill training workshop on “vermicomposting as an enterprise” in collaboration with Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Kathua (SKUAST).
The training workshop by Hariyali Eco Club, Department of Environmental Sciences and Institute Innovation Council of the college, was inaugurated by Principal of the college, Dr Savi Behl.
She highlighted the urgent need of shifting to organic farming and described this workshop as a boon for the students who can take it as a startup in near future with minimum investment.
The prime objective of this workshop is to equip the students with knowledge and skill of starting their own business on vermicomposting. In the five days workshop, different sessions are being organized in which resource persons from respective fields will deliver lectures and also give hands on training on vermicomposting.
In the inaugural session, Dr Vishal Mahajan, Chief Scientist and Head Krishi Vigyan Kendra, delivered an informative lecture on technique of vermicomposting and how the students can start this venture as an entrepreneur. In the second session, Dr Anamika Jamwal, Chief Scientist KVK, delivered a lecture on organic farming and its benefits. Dr Vishal Sharma, Chief Scientist, KVK took a brain storming interactive session with the students and explained do’s and don’ts of the vermicomposting process.
Krishi Vigyan Kendra also gifted a vermibed along with earth worms to the college for vermicomposting of organic waste.
Dr. Deepshikha Sharma, Head Deptt. of EVS and Convener Hariyali Eco Club acted as the coordinator of the workshop. She explained various aspects of vermicomposting process in managing organic waste. Prof Romika Bassin, convener IIC, presented the vote of thanks. The Proceedings of the inaugural session were conducted by Dr Kamini Kapoor.
Dr Yashpal, Dr Karam Chand , Dr Renu, Dr Manjot Singh, Dr Ajay Sanotra, Dr Usha Kiran, Dr Gagan, Dr Gurpreet extended their full cooperation in the conduct of the workshop.