Kashmiri Pandits and upcoming Assembly election

B L Saraf
Election to constitute Jammu and Kashmir Assembly is on course Subject to any unforeseen situation the process will conclude on 8th October 2024 and some days latter a popular Government will be in place in Srinagar hopefully. As the election is held after the gap of six years and in a totally altered political and administrative set up coupled with their 35 years of enforced exile the Internally Displaced Persons of Kashmir (IDPs ) are watching it with keen interest, probably as never before The ensuing election springs a hope for them to see an end to their wilderness which has consumed better part of their productive lives and inflicted on them myriad kinds of psychological and physical miseries
As the election process is getting underway the IDPs have started asking political parties and the politicians in the fray to spell out in unambiguous terms their program and agenda with respect to the return and rehabilitation of KPs in the Valley – who constitute bulk of the IDPs. Well, at times it sounds inadvisable for a contestant to make a community specific commitment while he is on election campaign but living as the IDPs have been in the unbearably traumatic conditions – with no hope of immediate closure to their agony – it sounds natural for them to probe a politician’s mind who is set to rule their destiny.
Having a bare look at the election manifesto of the political parties, who matter in this election, a standard line or two is visible to flatter the IDPs In the 32 year long banishment IDPs have seen each of these political dispensations (national including) ruling J&K, at one time or the other Two National Parties (BJP and INC) contesting the Assembly election have, by turns, ruled Delhi during the same period So track record of the contesting political dispensations vis a vis KPs is before us to judge the things in a proper perspective Some of them did something to ameliorate the inhuman living conditions of the displaced Hindus by providing accommodation fit for human living and jobs to the unemployed young : others did try to protect the IDP’s property rights back home by an appropriate legislation; and few did a lot by ensuring that the community’s human resource is developed by facilitating their technical education and then harnessed suitably But these measure have proved a mere ” Band Aid ” treatment : the core and existential issues of the displaced persons remain unaddressed till now
Before calling upon the political parties to spell out their commitment to address the “long outstanding issues ” faced by the displaced community it is incumbent upon the community itself to show a clarity on the way these “long outstanding issues” could be sorted out to the satisfaction of all. They need to be formulated in a “Bullet Point” format with an adequate clarity based on a broad consensus within the displaced community and then project them before those who are in a position to answer them The demand has to emanate from the IDPs: the job can’t be left to those who may be in position to meet it but in the way that suits them. Can anyone among the community dare bring all IDPs on one page so far as the before mentioned is done? This is a moot question whose answer has to be found before passing on Buck to a politician.
It is a tragedy that even after 34 years of wandering in wilderness the IDPs can’t zero in on a single workable road map which could lead to their salvation How long can the displaced community go on lamenting on the lack of numerical strength (a fact) as to catch attention of a potential candidate in the election fray This may be a bane but with little bit of common political sense it could be used as a boon -only if the community realizes its potential as a “Vote Catcher “. On their numerical strength the IDPs may not help a candidate to sail through but we have seen it number of times how their plight has been used effectively to garner votes, elsewhere The community’s pitiable condition exploited on the national TV Screens, has turned a big “Vote Catcher” for some in the mainland If it sinks in with the community the situation could be leveraged to its great advantage
It is time for the community to strategize its stance vis a vis the upcoming election It doesn’t pay to put all eggs in one basket Options must remain open with making allowance for those who as per the ideological predications or other reasons feel inclined towards a particular political dispensation. Each member’s right to vote and choice to make must be respected Having said so any regimentation to move in a fixed direction is not good politics
This is time when real politics and not a bald emotion is the catch word. Every Kashmiri Pandit has the Nationalism in his DNA He has inherited it from his forefathers who lived in most trying times They held it to the heart and mind no matter the hostile environment. Therefore it hurts a KP most when he is off and on reminded of it in a condescending tone
Tail Piece with tongue in cheek; When it comes to the exercising a right of vote KP is a pampered Boy for all who are in the fray- (Speaking metaphorically meaning no disrespect to a girl) Back home he was ” politely asked ” by the poll managers of a political party not to bother walking down to a polling station to cast the vote and with feigned respect he would be told ” Pandit Saheb we have already done it for you ” Away from home is the refrain ” Pandit Ji do not waste your energy to sort out a political party worthy of your vote. We have located it for you please go and cast your vote ” No matter the geography patronizing element remains unchanged.
(The author is former Principal District & Sessions Judge)