AIJKBOO calls for shift in J&K Bank’s governance to Finance Ministry

Ashok Choudhary (organizing secretary of BMS) and Raghubir Jamwal (AIJKBOO president) during a press conference at Jammu.
Ashok Choudhary (organizing secretary of BMS) and Raghubir Jamwal (AIJKBOO president) during a press conference at Jammu.

Excelsior Correspondent
JAMMU, Sept 12: All India Jammu and Kashmir Bank Officers’ Organization (AIJKBOO) has called upon the Government of India or a shift in the governance of J&K Bank from the Home Ministry to the Finance Ministry
Addressing a press conference here today, Ashok Choudhary, organizing secretary of Bhartiya Mazdoor Sangh (BMS) and Raghubir Jamwal (president of AIJKBOO) endorsed a recent letter from AIJKBOO addressed to the Prime Minister Narendra Modi, calling for a shift in the governance of J&K Bank from the Home Ministry to the Finance Ministry.
Choudhary highlighted that J&K Bank is the only bank in India under the purview of the Home Ministry, which has caused delays in implementing progressive changes introduced by the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) and the Department of Financial Services (DFS). He emphasized the need to bring J&K Bank in line with other national banks for timely adoption of reformatory policies, stressing that this change would ensure the Bank’s alignment with the broader banking sector reforms in India.
Raghubir Jamwal raised concerns about the delay in implementing the settled wage revision in J&K Bank. He noted that despite the signing of the 9th Joint Memorandum and the 12th Bipartite Agreement between bank unions and the Indian Banks’ Association (IBA) on 8th March 2024, the revision has yet to be enforced in J&K Bank. This delay, he said, is demoralizing for the Bank’s hardworking staff.
Jamwal urged for the immediate implementation of the wage revision, effective from 1st November 2022, which includes the payment of accrued arrears and revised salaries to all employees, including officers, clerical, subordinate, and retired staff members. He stressed that the issue has already been raised with the bank’s management, the UT administration, and the Home Ministry, but no positive outcome has been seen so far.
The AIJKBOO is now pressing for prompt action to resolve these pressing concerns.