Dr Ranjit changes life of 75-yr old teacher with knee replacement surgery

Dr Ranjit Singh posing with a patient on whom he performed knee replacement surgery.
Dr Ranjit Singh posing with a patient on whom he performed knee replacement surgery.

Excelsior Correspondent

JAMMU, Sept 13: Dr Ranjit Singh, senior joint replacement surgeon, has yet again achieved another milestone by performing a successful knee replacement surgery of a 75-year old patient with complexities like high blood pressure and weakness due to age.
Lazzya Kaur hailing from Jammu was a teacher and was suffering from joint pains and had difficulty in walking since last 20 years and was finding it difficult to work. She consulted Dr Ranjit and the doctor convinced her for knee replacement surgery with his Zero Error technique.
The surgery was performed at IVY Hospital, Amritsar with doctor’s innovative “Zero Error Technique”. She started walking immediately a few hours after surgery and could go to the washroom by herself. The patient has now resumed her daily chores and is able to sit cross legged. Not only the patient but the entire family is amazed with the gratifying results and she has resumed her daily chores.
Dr Ranjit has successfully transformed the lives of countless patients, like Lazzya Kaur, enabling them to walk pain-free and regain their mobility. He explains that miraculous results are possible with this revolutionary technique which involves minimal cut and nearly no blood loss. The patient not only shows a quick recovery, chances of infection also become minimal.
He says the “Zero Error Technique” takes mere 20 minutes from start to finish. With the short surgical time and minimum muscle damage, the surgical results are remarkable and quick. The surgery is not only cost effective but is also a better option over Robotic and Computer assisted surgeries or traditional methods of knee replacement.
Now-a-days, Dr Ranjit is providing consultation in Jammu every alternate Sundays with prior appointments.