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Hi Friends! We are back with your favourite column for the week. Please have a look at OUR MESSAGE before you send in your message to us.

1. From Aagosh Tandon to all: “Love all, trust a few, do wrong to none”.
2. To all from Satyam Koul: ” Each has its strengths and weaknesses depending on factors like security and ease of use”.
3. From Aarya Sambyal to all: “If you can’t sacrifice for your dreams, your dreams become the sacrifice”.
4. To all From Usha Raina: ” Speak in such a way that others love to listen to you; listen in such a way that others love to speak to you”.
5. From Rishabh Raina to all: “A nice person will always be in memory, a better person will always be in dream, but a sincere person will always be in heart”.
6. To all from Ruchika Kour: ” The bad news is that time flies; the good news is that you’re the pilot”.
7. From Rakesh Kumar to all: ” As long as you believe in yourself and believe in your strength, you will always find a way”.
8. To all from Kuljeet Kumar Betab: “A good person is like a sandal tree and the world is like a snake that resides it. The poisonous snake may wrap itself around the tree but it’s sweet sandal fragrance remains unchanged”.
9. From Nidhi Gupta to all: ” May it be a machine or human relationship, Maintenance is always cheaper than repair”.
10. To all from Abhishek Vaid: “Acceptance, forgiveness and gratitude are the roots of Happiness”.