Centenarians set example

It may sound incredible but it is true. Infused with deep sense of nationalism, no fewer than 114 centenarians and a large number of disabled voters in Reasi constituency turned up at the polling stations to exercise their right of franchise. The oldest of them Bawa Amritanand of Jheri is 126 years. Asked what brought them to the polling booth, they said that it was a very important day in their lives to cast their vote for a Government that would work for the progress of the country. The spirit of nationalism expressed by the centenarians should inspire younger generations with a burning desire of sending the right persons to the Parliament. It is a sign of success of democracy and maturing of the electorate. Peaceful transition of the Government ensures continuity of progress of the nation. Ours is a great nation and we should be conscious of our inherent strength. If we are able to send honest and sincere representatives to the Parliament and the Legislative Assembly, this will be the first decisive step towards making India powerful. Once people understand the power of the ballot, we shall have won the battle against poverty, deprivation and backwardness. But more than that, we shall have won the battle against corruption and anti-national forces. The largest democracy in the world has to be in the forefront of world comity and that goal can be reached only when our voters are fully conscious of who is most fitted to be voted for and elected. People of Reasi deserve three cheers for enthusiastically participating in the polling. The role of local Red Cross and the district authorities in facilitating old and infirm voters to exercise their franchise is highly commendable. They have set an example to be emulated by other constituencies.