Services of Red Cross

Red Cross, the Switzerland-based organization has branches all over the world including our country. The noble objectives of the organization, service to humanity, have made it a very poplar organization of international fame. No other organization has rendered as much of service to destitute human beings in various aspects as has been done by the Red Cross. But there is still a great scope for the State Red Cross to expand its activities. It is a very good and appreciable idea that Red Cross should begin a state wide campaign of training more and more youth in elementary first aid and patient care areas and other skills to mitigate need for immediate support in emergency cases. Though providing relief to people suffering natural or man-made calamities is the fundamental agenda of Red Cross, yet this organization with so much of support from the Government and the public can and should expand its area of activity. From a relief providing/ monitoring organization, it could graduate to participating entity in the task of overall development of society. The Governor, who is also the Chairman of Red Cross, has expressed satisfaction with the work State Red Cross is doing and also the plans of its future development including raising of a big Red Cross complex in Srinagar. In a State torn by two-decade long turmoil, and often visited by harsh nature’s vagaries, State Red Cross is called upon to perform important relief work. This necessitates the organization to have adequate infrastructure, which the Government should be willing to provide.