Dichotomy of Life

You came in the form of rain,
A Downpour leading to clouds of pain!
You came in the form of lust,
Like oil wars in the Middle East Dust!
You came in the middle of night,
Sweeping Pompeii with all your might!
You came like love in the Air,
Same way covid found a pair!
You came like man on Earth,
Killing Mother Nature who gave you birth.
But you dance to the music of life,
Life smiled, but you gave a cunning grin,
Complementing one another like Vodka and Gin!
Arnav Sharma
H-308, Chashmeshahi


Life’s Quest


Life is here,
Happiness we seek.
Opportunities are here,
Chances we seek.
Love is here,
Loyalty we desire.
Loyalty is here,
Money we require.
Money is here,
Richness we crave.
Sales are here,
Discounts we request.
Food is here,
Taste we yearn.
Poetry is here,
Rhythm we pursue.
Excess is here,
Satisfaction we pursue.
Sahaj Sabharwal
B.E. Aeronautical
Pacca Danga


Never Relinquish


It’s ok if you are exhausted
It’s ok if you are despair
It’s quite ordinary my dear
You can pause for a while
but remember never relinquish
It’s ok if they condemn you
It’s ok if none appreciates you
don’t let yourself overwhelm
you can pause for a while
but remember, never relinquish
It’s ok if you dont have proponent
It’s ok if none cherish you
you alone are enough dear
you can pause for a while
but remember, never relinguish
It’s ok if you are lonesome
It’s ok if you are not enthusiast
look at the sky, the sun, the stars
you can pause for a while
but remember, never relinquish

R K Bhagat