A call for equitable UNSC reform

The recent U.S. support for reforms to the United Nations Security Council (UNSC) is a welcome step towards a more equitable global order.
Nations like India, Japan, and Germany, with their strong international contributions, deserve permanent seats, reflecting today’s geopolitical realities. Africa’s inclusion is equally vital, correcting its historical underrepresentation. However, the challenge lies in the ambiguity surrounding which African nations should hold these seats. The proposal to grant Small Island Developing States (SIDS) a non-permanent seat is commendable, as their unique challenges must be heard.
However, denying veto power to new permanent members might perpetuate the current imbalance. A fairer UNSC must not only expand representation but also allow equal influence.
This reform, if approached thoughtfully, will ensure a stronger, more representative Council.
Sudesh Kumar