Spurious drug scam

Supplying spurious drugs in the market by callous and insensitive drug manufacturing companies in different parts of the country is an old nuisance. It is nothing new or unknown to our State. After all we should accept that there is a segment of sub-human race in this country that is not governed by any morality, ethics or conscience. The worst is that the authority charged with the responsibility and duty of ensuring that no spurious or sub-standard drugs are brought to the market is not discharging their duty as conscientiously as they should. Slackness of authorities encourages unscrupulous drug manufacturing companies to manufacture sub-standard drugs and thereby make huge money but at the cost of public health. No crime could be more sinister than that of adulterating drugs and endangering the lives of millions of people. One wonders why should not there be the severest punishment for the crime of adulterating drugs only next to capital punishment.
Though there are not many drug manufacturing units in our State, and our pharmacies mostly import drugs from other States where these are produced, yet the State Drug Control authority is charged with the duty of getting all incoming drugs tested and certified that these are not spurious and can be recommended for prescription by registered medical practitioners. Unfortunately past practice has shown that this condition has been hoodwinked or bypassed and sub-standard drugs have found their way in the hospitals and pharmacies. Therefore the first culprit is the drug control authority. What action the Government proposes to take against them is what needs to be explained by the official circles who are concerned with the subject.
Actually the case of supply of sub-standard drugs in the State was brought to the notice of the State High Court some time back. We did take up this issue in a couple of editorials last year. The court took whatever action was warranted by law in that case. But in its verdict, the court enjoined upon the Government authorities to go in for random sample test of drugs and ensure that no sub-standard drugs were supplied in the market. In pursuance of that order, the Central Drug Standard Control Organization (CDSCO) has received fresh reports of 22 drug samples that were taken from Jammu and out of these six were found sub-standard. Now the number of drugs tested in the State has risen to 50. One can imagine what havoc is wrought to the unsuspecting patients who are prescribed to take these drugs without either the physician or the patient knowing that the prescribed drugs are sub-standard and would not cure the patient of illness.
Obviously there is a widespread racket indulging in drug adulteration. The dealers and outlets that sell drugs must be knowledgeable about these drugs being ineffective, but since they are part of the game, they have their pecuniary interests. All drugs manufacturing units in any part of the country have to obtain license of the manufacture. The license is not given unless the product is tested by a standard and recognized laboratory under Government supervision. One wonders how come that the supervisors at source are unable to block the sub-standard drug which ultimately finds its way into the market. This means there are serious lacunae at the source or that there is a nexus at the very source where drugs are manufactured. The returns are not small. Imagine the vastness of the population of this country and the number of patients who are administered medicinal drugs.
However, the good news is that the State Government has moved fast in the case and has taken proper and prompt action to control the menace of drug adulteration. It has cancelled licenses, put some in abeyance, issued notices to many who are under cloud and directed the concerned to take legal action against the defaulters. We appreciate it and it should expeditiously enforce the law so that exemplary punishment is given to those who are playing with public health with impunity.  The Government will receive full support of the people in expeditiously prosecuting the culprits.