J&K: A Testament to Democratic Resilience

D Ghai
The successful conclusion of the Jammu and Kashmir Assembly Elections is a truly remarkable event in the region’s political history. As we reflect on this achievement, it brings immense pride to see all government agencies working harmoniously toward a single, monumental goal: ensuring that the elections in one of the most challenging terrains in India were executed with efficiency and dedication. This is no small feat, especially when we consider the complex and difficult landscape of Jammu and Kashmir, which, coupled with its vast and diverse population, poses logistical hurdles that many other states do not face.
In such a region, reaching voters in remote and isolated mountain areas presents a unique set of challenges for election officials. Campaigning, engaging with voters, and ensuring their participation on election day require an extraordinary level of coordination and effort. Yet, despite the numerous obstacles, the government has made sure that every candidate is given the opportunity to connect with their electorate. Remarkably, budget constraints have never been an issue in this regard, a testament to the commitment of the government and election commission to uphold the principles of democracy.
The logistical complexities of these elections are staggering. On voting day, polling booths must be established in every nook and corner of the state, no matter how remote. Ensuring accessibility to all voters, even in the farthest-flung corners of the region, is a top priority. In some areas, particularly those difficult to reach, the political parties have gone above and beyond, providing free transportation to ensure that every eligible voter can exercise their right to vote. For instance, in one of the remotest areas of District Poonch, Hill Kaka, the polling party to establish a polling booth had to cross rivers for dozens of times and travers tough mountain ridges in a trek that was almost 35 kms long. This is an extraordinary example of the lengths the administration is willing to go to, in order to ensure that no one is left out of the democratic process.
Additionally, the government has shown great care and foresight in accommodating voters who are unable to physically reach the polling stations. In such cases, home voting facilities are arranged with the assistance of local administration and polling officers. This is especially important for the elderly, disabled, or those living in extreme isolation. It highlights a commitment to inclusivity, ensuring that every voice is heard, regardless of geographical or physical limitations. These efforts are not only logistically impressive but also morally uplifting, demonstrating that the principles of democracy are being upheld in even the most difficult circumstances.
The magnitude of this operation, which involves navigating treacherous terrains, coordinating across various agencies, and addressing security threats, is immense. That it has been executed flawlessly is a testament to the hard work and dedication of the Election Commission of India and all the agencies involved.
As we look forward to October 8th, when the election results will be declared, there is a palpable sense of anticipation and hope in the air. The people of Jammu and Kashmir will soon have a newly elected government, one that represents their will and aspirations. However, this optimism is tempered by a sense of regret and frustration, for despite the government’s ability to conduct such a massive and complex operation like the elections, it often falters when it comes to providing basic services to the public. The same agencies that can reach the remotest corners of the state for the sake of elections seem to struggle when it comes to delivering essential services like healthcare, education, and infrastructure.
It is unfortunate that, based on past experiences, we have seen the government and its agencies offer endless excuses for their failure to provide consistent public services. The difficult terrain, which has been navigated so skillfully for the elections, suddenly becomes an insurmountable obstacle when it comes to ensuring that every citizen has access to clean water, electricity, and basic amenities. For instance, while the government has managed to reach the most remote regions, such as the Bakarwals in Hill Kaka, to ensure they cast their votes, the same commitment is rarely seen when it comes to delivering welfare benefits to these communities.
There is a stark contrast between the efficiency with which the elections are conducted and the sluggishness of public service delivery. For example, one would hardly ever see a bank officer going out of their way to personally deliver pensions to elderly citizens, or government officials ensuring that those in remote areas receive their ration cards, solar lights or access to quality education. Bureaucratic hurdles often prolong the process of delivering basic services, leaving many citizens frustrated and disillusioned.
The question arises: if such a large-scale operation as the elections can be carried out seamlessly, why can’t the same efficiency be applied to serving the public in other areas? Why are there always excuses when it comes to addressing the basic needs of the population? The answer lies in prioritization and political will. The government has shown that, when it is truly committed to achieving a goal, it can overcome even the most formidable challenges. It has proved that it can work efficiently, without making excuses, when the stakes are high enough.
This realization should serve as a wake-up call for the government and its agencies. If they can execute a complex, statewide election process with such precision and success, there is no reason why they cannot apply the same level of dedication and efficiency to all areas of public service. The people of Jammu and Kashmir deserve better, not just during election season, but every day. They deserve a government that is of the people, for the people, and by the people-a government that works tirelessly to improve their lives and well-being.
In conclusion, while the successful completion of the Jammu and Kashmir Assembly Elections is a moment of great pride and achievement, it also highlights the potential for more. The same spirit of dedication and commitment that has been shown in the electoral process should be extended to all aspects of governance. The challenges of the terrain and the complexities of the region should not be used as excuses for failing to deliver essential services to the people. Instead, the government must rise to the occasion and work with the same level of efficiency and resolve that it has demonstrated in conducting these elections. Only then will the true spirit of democracy be realized, and the people of Jammu and Kashmir be able to enjoy the full benefits of a government that truly serves them.