Malaysian flight turn back after technical difficulty

KUALA LUMPUR, Apr 24:  A Malaysian plane was forced to turn back 15 minutes after its departure from Penang Airport today due to technical difficulties.

The Firefly flight-bound for Kota Baru, experienced technical problems and returned to Penang International Airport, a statement released by the airlines said.

Firefly is a full-service point-to-point carrier and a full subsidiary of Malaysia Airlines.

“This was because the aircraft’s landing gear was unable to retract after being airborne,” it said.

“All 64 passengers and four crew members onboard were safely disembarked from the aircraft,” it said.

The aircraft has been sent to Firefly’s base in Subang for repairs.

The incident comes four days after a Bangalore-bound Malaysia Airlines plane with 166 people on board turned back shortly after takeoff due to problem in its landing gear.

The airline is still reeling from the loss and presumed crash of flight MH370, which disappeared March 8 while en route from Kuala Lumpur to Beijing.

The plane is now believed to have crashed into the remote Indian Ocean with 239 people aboard. (PTI)