Duggardesh Forgotten land and its people

Col J P Singh
Dogras are inhabitants of hilly regions of Jammu. Originally it seems that those who inhabited the territory of erstwhile Jammu State are called Dogras, irrespective of their caste. Grierson, the author of “Linguistic Survey of India’ records the boundaries of Dogri speaking people as extending to Pir Panjal Range North of Jammu, Bhadarwah and the Northeast, Kangra to the South and Southeast, Gurdaspur and Sialkot, Nowshera and beyond to the Northwest. Hence the term Dogra, it will be noted, is geographical, not an ethical denomination. Scholars had different views about the origin of the word Dorga. Some attribute it to the ‘Dwigarta’, the two lakes of Mansar and Surinsar, some to Durgara, an ancient name of Jammu as evidenced in the Chamba Copper Grants; some to Doongar, a Rajasthani word for a hill. It stands to reason that the word Dogra owes its origin to those who hail from Durgara land or hilly country. They are about 40 Lakh. That is the identity of Dogras.
Heated electioneering peaked in this hilly country for 1st October 2024 polling. All the big-bigs of political parties including the PM and LoP frequented hilly land for over a fortnight. BJP leaders invoked Atal Bihari Vajpayee for his remarks on Insaniyat, Jamhooriyat and Kashmiriyat with regards to Kashmir repeatedlyfor garnering votes despite its bloody past of terrorism and Pundits genocide. Ironically none uttered a word about Dogriyat even once which is distinctly secular in the radicalized society.They seem to be unaware that 1st election to a legislative assembly of J&K was held in 1934 during Dogra rule. Modi was eulogised for ushering justice in J&K little appreciating that Maharaja’s 1st declaration after coronation was ‘Justice is my religion’. It was heartening to hear Raksha Mantri Rajnath Singh eulogize Paharis, Gujjars, Bakerwals and Sikhs for their sacrifices but didn’t’ utter a word about Dogras sufferings and sacrifices even in Sainik Colony where the Dogra galaxy was in the audience. Talking of Jamhooriyat in J&K without referring to Maharaja Hari Singh’s declaration in London Round Table Conference in the presence of King George in 1931 that as Ruler of J&K he owes his allegiance to Indian independence sounds hypocrisy and smells of vote bank politics. BJP leadership considers Jammu as its fiefdom, takes it far granted and hence overlooks Dogras role in nation building. Society shouldtake such aberration seriously because of this ‘strange agenda’lest they face destruction of their heritage like their historic Mubarak Mandi and mortgage their future to the immigrant domiciles.
Elections will come and go. Govts will be formed and fall. If Kashmiriyat(Islamaization) is going to stay, Dogriyat (Secularism) too has to thrive in our imaginations. For this off and on discussions and description of rich heritage is necessary. Hence pained of forgotten treasurer, I stick my neck out to describe how we as Dogras have endured the past to claim our rightful mention in public discourse.
Geography of Jammu region has played an important role in shaping us.The main invasion route into India from centuries was across the Hindu-Kush Mountains through the Khyber Pass. The invaders would cross the Indus river and march through Rawalpindi, Sialkot and Gurdaspur on their way to Delhi. Eastern and Northeastern flank along this route were inhibited by Hilly people. Why invaders didn’t settle down in the region inhabited by Dogras needs to highlighted. Hence the purity and pride of the Dogra race as the following account brings out.
Aryans were the first who invaded India around 2000 BC. They came from Central Asia. From Punjab they moved to Gangetic plains and then to South and East. Dogras are considered descendants of Aryans. Legend has it that one of the Suryavansi Agninagarb, who had a claim over Ayudhya throne came to Kangra and carved a kingdom there. One of his successors was Raja Jambu-Lochan who founded Jammu. He is considered the forefather and icon of Dogras. His son Daya Karan conquered Kashmir and ruled it for 55 years. This was around 1270 BC. In the 11thCentury, Jammu was known as Durgara with capital at Babbapura (Babor) 28 Kms East of Jammu. Jammu became the capital in about 13th /14th Century.There were 22 Principalities associated with Jammu Raj and various clans took their name from them. All these clans were hunters and good fighters thereby making good soldiers.
Timur was the 1st invader who captured Jammu in the 14th century during his way back after sacking Delhi. Thereafter Akbar brought Jammu under his suzerainty in 1595 but for all practical purposes these principalities were independent. After death of Aurangzeb, taking advantage of fall of Mughal empire, Dogras reasserted their full independence. Raja Ranjit Dev of Jammu and Raja Kirpal Dev of Jasrota emerged as two powerful contenders for supremacy. With Delhi’s help Raja Ranjit Dev out did his rival and took him into custody. He accepted Delhi’s Vassalage and obtained permission to appropriate lands of his rival. By defeating several Chieftains around Sialkot, he extended the Dogra rule ahead of Sialkot. He died in 1780. After his death Sikhs of Punjab attacked Jammu several times.
Gulab Singh, Dhian Singh and Suchet Singh, great-grandsons of Mian Surat Singh, younger brother of Raja Ranjit Dev went to the court of Maharaja Ranjit Singh and worked their way up as soldiers of fortune. In 1822 Maharaja Ranjit Singh bestowed Jammu Raj on Gulab Singh. Dhian Singh was given Poonch and Suchet Singh Bandralta as Jagirs. Jammu thus became a Dogra state again.Of all the Dogra Chieftans of Kangra/Punjab, Gulab Singh was the only ruler who laid the foundation of a vast and well administered independent empire to the Northwest of India.
One of the outstanding Dogras who rose very high in Gulab Singh’s army was legendary Gen Zorawar Singh. He conquered Ladakh followed by Gilgit-Baltistan comprising of three states Skardu, Gilgit and Hunza. In 1841 he undertook a more difficult and disastrous expedition to invade Tibet. He overran Rudok, Gartok and reached Tirathpuri in the Mansarovar area. But when the winter set in, Tibetan and Chinese attacked Zorawar Singh’s force. On 12th December 1841, in a battle that commenced two days earlier, Zorawar Singh was martyred. But that didn’t deter Dogras morale and spirits. Maharaja Gulab Singh and his descendants further strengthened the Dogra empire in Northwest of India which Maharaja Hari Singh acceded to India. Such sacrifices and successes of Dogras needs to recognized and spoken. One wonders why BJP leaders are mum about this legacy while electioneering. Kiran Rijiju, as law minister maligned Maharaja Hari Singh in Kashmir. Dr Karan Singh took strong exception to it and called Rijiju to make him aware of history of Dogras. Rijiju publicly apologized for his misrepresentation of Maharaja’s rule. Dogras are facing extinction because of demographic invasion on their homeland. BJP leaders are mum. They are mum on Rohingyas and Bangladeshis as well who are greatsecurity threat to the UT. Dogras have to take joint cognizance of this agenda irrespective of political affiliations after voting for such antagonists to prevent slow extinction.