Inner Voice


She is a mother, how could she be wrong?
She ensures that your upbringing is at its best.
She ensures your tiffin has the tastiest food.
She ensures your clothes are washed on time.
In a manner that leaves no stains.
She is a mother. How could she be wrong ?
When she wanted to work, her children stopped her.
When she wanted to work from home, everyone else mocked her.
You are a mother, how can you snatch away time from your own children?
You are a mother, how can you be selfish and live for yourself?
Right from our childhood, we showered our moms with the kind of love,
That restricted her freedom and often made her feel helpless.
As her children grow up, a mother grows with them too and yet,
I see her look at me from the corner of her eye as if to ask me if this outfit is appropriate.
“I have to say exactly this right? Should I do it like that?”, she asks for our approval!
The mother who taught us everything we know, keeps striving to learn as much as she can from us.
She feels that she is a mother, she should’nt be wrong,
She wants to be exactly the person her child wants her to be.
So today, MOM, I ask for your forgiveness.
I promise you, I will always stand by you,
Whether you are right or wrong.
I will always stay connected to you.
You don’t need our permission, Maa. Do exactly what your heart says
Mom you can be wrong too. You will always be a mother just the way you are.
I have put you on the pedestal of god but,
I wish for you to live like any other imperfect human being.
Make as many mistakes as you want to live your life to the fullest,
Just the way you stand by me, I promise I will stand by you too.
Suneha Rani
Class 8D
APS Miran Sahib

Perfection in Imperfect actions

I thought the world demands a flawless art,
Sculpted properly in every part.
Each stroke precise,no room for mistake,
Every action perfect, no line to break.
Still the paints got spilled and the colours ran,
The steps I planned started to falter in span.
Yet from this mess new shades grew,
Created patterns which for me were anew.
The song I sang missed a beat,
Still it came out nice and sweet.
In ever misstep and in every flaw,
There was a beauty which I saw.
My parents didn’t raise me with a manual in hand,
Yet through all I share, they still understand.
Though they made mistakes along the way,
They helped create an imperfect me today.
For the truth, I found, isn’t neat or grand,
It lies in what we try, not what we planned.
The beauty in action, imperfect, yet true,
Is the courage to show up, to see it through.
Perfection isn’t in the flawless strive,
It’s in every step, every effort alive.
A rough sketch, a kind word, a simple start-
That’s where the perfect makes its art.
~Precious Raina
PCSSS, Jammu