
Sunday May 04-2014   

Aries : You are an imaginative and enterprising person, and today you may taste success. Ganesha says that you are ambitious but warns you not to take on more work than you can handle. You are positive about your capabilities, so work sincerely and have faith in God.

Taurus : Today, you are likely to be more reckless than ever in splurging your hard earned money. Ganesha strongly advises you to leave your credit card at home today. Using it for making purchases will only make matters worse. Money wise, be very careful in your business dealings, about the commitments you make. Chances of investing your entire savings on a single offer, and thereby losing them, are very high.

Gemini : Your mind will be uneasy and anxious due to some reason today. You will be unable to express your anxieties. You will be able to secure the love of your partner by sharing your feelings. You need to let go of the past and strive to keep on moving forward with confidence, says Ganesha.

Cancer : A restless or irritating mood is indicated. Keep you cool and be calm even in adverse circumstances, suggests Ganesha. If you do so, you will always succeed in life. It is difficult to wriggle out of adversity, if you have hot temper.

Leo : You will be filled with extra-ordinary self-confidence and will be able to take on huge risks. Sportspersons will be able to make a lot of progress in their fields. You will square off against any obstacles in your way using your entire might. While it is a good day for you, keep a curb on your speculations, says Ganesha.

Virgo : Take a little break today, and spend some time looking within. At your office there may be some bitter confrontations, so Ganesha advises you to be very careful and try to prevent things form getting too difficult. In matters of love, a new romance may develop. Ganesha says you may enjoy a peaceful evening with friends.

Libra : Ganesha says the inner artist in you will come to the surface today and you will showcase your imagination powers too. You will be able to focus on topics of interest today. Those of you in the field of interest will find themselves moving ahead. There may be signing of beneficial legal deals today for you. Ganesha says today is going to be a very good and successful day for you.

Scorpio : According to Ganesha, you will be soaked in your work today. During the day, you may be loaded with duties and responsibilities, however, evening has a different story to reveal. Exciting as ever, a get away with friends may be liberating and relaxing.

Sagittarius : Take it as a piece of advice: tough times don’t last; tough people do. The day has a lot of ups and downs in store for you. However, you are the sailor of stormy seas and would sail through all the troubles easily. Take the advice given by your near and dear ones, says Ganesha.

Capricorn : You can’t bear the weight of the heavy work load any more. Very cleverly, you will complete your tasks and slowly but steadily you take the load off your shoulders, predicts Ganesha. Attentive and observant, you meticulously plan your actions and minimise the chances of errors. Today, your efforts will not be effectively channelised, but it will not be a bad day, also.

Aquarius : You may receive some good news from the foreign shores today. The day will bring on a positive note and it will remain like that for the whole twenty-four hours. You’ll be in a mood to merry and it will be transformed to everyone around you, says Ganesha.

Pisces : A reckless attitude is the root cause of any downfall. Ensure responsible behavior and actions at every step at your workplace, today, suggests Ganesha. Be alert and focused and you will be able to dodge any incoming trouble. Today is a day of materialization and the projects and other things that you have been working on since a long time will draw close to completion and begin to pay off.