KP organizations express concern over encroachment of shrines land

Excelsior Correspondent
JAMMU, May 3: Various Kashmiri Pandit organizations have expressed their grave concern over the increasing encroachments of land belonging to temples and Hindu religious places in Kashmir valley besides the left over property of Kashmiri migrants.
At a joint press conference here, today, president All State Kashmiri Pandit Conference (ASKPC), H L Chatta, R K Raina its senior vice president, J L  Kaul, president Sheetal Nath Ashram Sabha, M L Kaul, social activist, U K Handoo and Dr R L Dhar accused the State Government of its total failure in safeguarding the land of Hindu shrines as well as their private property in Valley.
The Government has itself thrown the Distress Sale of Migrants Property Act to winds by encouraging the encroachment of KPs land and property in Valley, said Chatta, adding that even some Government agencies are involved in encroachment of Hindu land in Kashmir.
He said recently the land of Bharav temple at Chattabal in Srinagar has been encroached by anti social elements after dismantling the standing structures there. Besides, in Bijbehara in South Kashmir district of Anantnag, land of a temple on National Highway has been encroached by some vested elements, he added.
Questioning the oft repeated phrase by the Union Minister of New and Renewable Energy and NC chief, Dr Farooq Abdullah and Chief Minister Omar Abdullah were befooling people by saying that Kashmir is incomplete with out Pandits and had it been so their Government would have turned tough against the land grabbers and not allowed the changes in the names of historical hill locks in Kashmir associated with Hindu culture from times immemorial.
He said in Baramulla the Sanatan Dharam Sabha (SDS) High School has been encroached by ex Director Education Department and till date the Government has failed to restore it to SDS.
R K Raina said that despite the repeated pleas to Government against the encroachment of Hindu land in Valley no action was taken by it till date.
He warned that the Government will be responsible for all consequences in case any damage was suffered by any KP employee who has been asked by the hotel owners to vacate their hotels were they have been putting up till date.
U K Handoo said that the properties of Sheetal Nath have also been encroached and Government has failed to restore the same. Even the Union Home Ministry has expressed its dissatisfaction over the State Government’s evasive report on encroachments, he added.
Even the Hindu High School Sheetal Nath has been encroached by furnishing a fake rent deed, said Dr R L Dhar.