Water sources to be developed sustainably: Kotwal

Excelsior Correspondent
DODA, May 12: To review the construction and restoration work on various water supply schemes in Doda District, Commissioner Secretary PHE, Dr. Pawan Kotwal today convened a meeting of officers and officials of Public Health Engineering (PHE) Department in Doda.
District Development Commissioner Doda, Mubarak Singh, Superintendent Engineer Hydraulic Circle Doda, Executive Engineer Irrigation, besides various officials of Public Health Engineering and Irrigation Department were present in the meeting.
Laying stress on the sustainable development of water sources, Dr. Kotwal instructed the functionaries of PHE Department to tap the outflow of any water sources and conserve the traditional water resources without destroying the original outlet. He also emphasized on the need of inter-departmental co-ordination for the better and safe supply of drinking water to the people of the district.
Regarding water quality, it was informed in the meeting that two water testing laboratories have been established in the district. He directed the officials of PHE Department to judiciously use the field testing kits.
He informed that chemical tests are conducted for ground water and bacteriological tests are meant for contaminated surface water. He also laid stress on the community involvement in identification of water supply sources. He also said that Anganwadi workers should be encouraged for helping the people in getting new water connections.
He impressed upon the officers/ officials of the PHE Department to conduct committee meetings by involving Panchayati Raj Institutions for creating mass awareness and further stating that hand washing in schools, villages, Anganwadi centres etc. should be encouraged.
Later,  Dr Kotwal inspected the construction works on the already sanctioned water supply schemes and restoration work on various water supply schemes which were damaged due to recent incessant rainfall in the district.