Heat wave and power

Unscheduled and longer power cuts this year with the onset of summer in Jammu has been  more than last year  around  the same time. The problem is that the temperature well past 41 degree Celsius with frequent power cuts is no cause of concern to the State leadership that asked for votes for better Sadak, Bijli and Pani. The people’s difficulties at least in respect of availability of power continues  to be the same as they were decades back. The management of the PDD cannot be blamed wholly as the policies and targets set and formulated by the Government are nowhere to be seen excepting crying that revenues are not earned by the department for the power supplied. Why are there yawning gaps in the  cost of power and revenue earned there against? Why should those suffer who with electronic meters are paying huge electric bills but are subjected to longer power cuts when they were promised uninterrupted power supply? Why is not the PDD  and other agencies strictly managing  and earning rightful revenues? Why are transformers getting damaged with no immediate replacements? What about the tall claims of the Government about self sufficiency in generation of power? Looking to the present position of availability of power , one wonders what shall the position be in harsher sultry  days of rainy season  ahead.
Yours etc..
Ajeet Singh
Nanak Nagar, Jammu