Devi Pindiyan A spot of sheer scenic beauty

Ayodhya Nath Kerni
There are many spots worth seeing and also having religious significance relating to Mata Vaishno Devi around Katra locality. These spots are either less highlighted or  they lack requisite facilities necessary for the visitors attraction. It is a fact that most of the devotees visiting Mata Vaishnoo Devi Shrine are not aware of these points. Mata Vaishno Devi University has been functioning near Painthal town for past few years. The University has been established by Shree Mata Vaishno Devi Shrine Board. The University has earned a good reputation in a short spell of time. Students from all over the country come here to study in different streams. The University has covered a large area around village Karkyal with buildings and grounds.
There is a Deva Mai temple. It is linked with road from Numain village  located on Jammu-Katra road. Besides a Durga idol, there is a trident where devotees pay their obeisance. Only few devotees are seen visiting this temple. The temple is named after Mai Deva a lady who was a staunch devotee of Mata Vaishno Devi. She spent all her life in worshipping Mata Vaishno Devi at this place and so the temple is named after her. The link road provided from Numain village is badly damaged and needs extensive repairs.
Bhumika temple is located at a distance of three kilometers from Katra on Painthal road. This temple has very old back drop and legendary account. It is believed that about seven hundred years ago there lived a Pandit Shree Dhar. He had a vision of Mata in a dream. Mata also appeared before him in the guise of a girl. She ordered him to invite all villagers and sadhus for Bhandara. He shivered and expressed his inability to arrange such a Bhandara due to his financial constraints. She directed him to act and leave rest to God. He acted accordingly and Bhandara was successfully completed with the shining vessel and Divine Powers. After bhandara the girl disappeared. The temple is visited by the devotees presently.
A bridle track from Painthal leads to Devi Pindiyan along the canal. After strolling upon about five kilometer one reaches a secluded, solace and beautiful spot amidst lush greenry and long standing trees. The spot has  magnificent view of natural bounties. Jhajjar stream with milky water is flowing near by.
A road has since been constructed from Painthal to hill side mineral deposits. The road does not touch  Devi Pindiyan as the spot is left about one and half kilometer aside. The proposed magnesite project is connected with road. Magnesite is being quarried from the pits held on the hill pocket. Dolomite lime stone is also available on the hill  formation. In the eastern direction of hill side there are coal mines at Jangal Gali  already connected with road from Muttal. The hill formations are full of different minerals.
A temple was constructed during 1990’s replacing the old arrangement at Devi Pindian. Now a hall measuring 70×30 ft has been constructed near the temple. It is also proposed to make it a double storey. There are naturally manifested three pindis inside the temple. They are known as Mahakali, Mahalakshmi and Mahasarswati. It is believed that  before proceeding to Trikuta Hills cave mata performed tapasya at this spot for a long time. Mata is believed to stay here for some period  of each year. The spot of sheer scenic beauty has no habitation near by even at this point of time. A Monthly Bhandara is arranged on first day of each solar Bikrami month.
Extension of merely one and half kilometer road can connect Devi Pindiyan . In case the temple of Devi Pindiyan is taken over by the Shrine Board, there is much scope of development. The number of devotees would considerably increase as and when facilities are extended. The devotees need to be briefed about the less visited spots as stated above. Hoardings and neon signs should be displayed at Katra, giving details about location with distance etc so that more and more visitors are attracted to visit Devi Pindiyan and other temples.