End of coalition culture ? Lotus blossoms majestically

Shiban Khaibri
Looking to sagacious leadership, visionary faculties, performing capabilities and innovative outlook of Shri Narindra Bhai Modi, the performance of the BJP in the general elections of 2014 to elect 16th Lok Sabha was expected to be unprecedented but to be precise, not as much historical. The results must have taken most of his detractors, even some of his “colleagues” in the Party itself by surprise.  A silent revolution has taken place for transition of power  to bid farewell to the obsolete politics, politics of inertia, politics of vote Bank,  politics of remaining in power by extending largesse  and not promoting healthy taxation policy to increase revenues , politics of floating schemes without economic feasibility, politics of disinformation and hate against political adversaries and the like.  A man who went to the people of the country with the development model promising their riddance from massive corruption, inflation, governmental non performance, flawed economic policies, policy paralysis, scams and financial irregularities legitimizing under the umbrella of empty and hollow rhetoric, has been voted to power in a splendid way, not keeping him and his prospective government stand on support base, not in the least – conditional or otherwise, from different parties and allies. The wisdom of Indian electorate is superb, worth eulogizing and deserves to be taken note of by the international community. When Indians decide to assert, they do it firmly like one solid mountain as we, traditionally and culturally from ancient times, believe in and practice tenets of democracy.   With one voice,all sections of the electorate voted in such a way as to out rightly reject the so called irretrievable “era of coalitions” to enable Modi reshape the political landscape to benefit each and every Indian.
The views of many political experts that India had since been poised for an era of coalition politics for decades and decades stand totally demolished. As against the magical number of 272, the BJP on its own secured as many as 283  seats and along with pre- poll allies, as NDA as many as 336 , a rear feat having been achieved after a long period of 30 years in India by any political party. The Party has traveled beyond its traditional confines to the North East, South and other areas.  BJP has, therefore, replaced the universality of Congress as a Pan National political Party and occupied that space itself. Indian democracy has triumphed in an unprecedented way showing to the world that a “Chaiwala” could become the country’s Prime Minister and that no Chaiwala was an ordinary person in India. Change of power has taken place democratically peacefully in high spirits of our constitution smoothly but forcefully with the power of ballot. Lotus has blossomed with its exquisite beauty signifying that good days are coming. Lotus has national as well as spiritual connotations in our country as it symbolizes purity, beauty, majesty, grace, wealth, knowledge and serenity. The lotus has peculiar characteristics in that it rises on its stalk unsoiled by the surroundings, climbing through the clouded waters, the muck and the mud exactly the way Modi had all these years to face all the mud, muck and the clouded waters of accusations, blames and an extreme branding as a political untouchable and many leaders on the political horizon vowing to keep “such communal forces” out and “save” the country from “divisive and communal ” politics.
Modi’s undaunted toil paid rich dividends as he kept on ruthlessly taxing his strength and stamina and traveled across the country and addressed more than 462 mammoth public rallies, a feat unheard of in this country. He has been rewarded suitably lavishly by the people irrespective of any considerations of caste, creed, colour, faith, region, language etc deflating his detractors’ maneuverings playing the stereo secular card, caste card, planting of assumed fears in certain sections about his policies and more so about his intentions.  Congress Party wedded to a peculiar type of “secularism” particularly after Nehru’s and Indira’s era,  is hurtled to historic drubbings as its big guns go completely silent. The oldest Party could not reach a three digit number and plummeted to just 46 seats .  Narindra Modi, on the basis of the declared electoral results, has dwarfed many known political leaders of India including a few in his own party. Yes, he is to be our 14th Prime Minister from May 21, 2014 as Indians have voted for a very decisive mandate confirming the existence of “Modi wave”, nay the Modi tsunami neutralizing satraps.
The law of moral retribution has set in not silently but vividly in that it had been a habit, not a fashion for innumerable Political leaders in India, many journalists, so called intellectuals and self styled champions of secularism to go in for regular Modi bashing. Abuses, allegations, innuendoes, insults, misinformation, tirades and the like were employed against him at will. Even many took turns in this ridiculous game as if it was a free for all against this man projected as nothing short of a condemned criminal tarnishing the image of civility, modesty, propriety, tenets of natural justice including disregarding the verdict of judiciary.  This unprecedented hate against Modi has come to naught as people have decided overwhelmingly against these accusations and charges going on unabatedly for more than 12 years. How could a responsible political leader like the BSP chief, many a time declare that Modi shall never be allowed to become the PM,  has boomeranged against her Party  as BSP has not opened even its account in UP where it has ruled for many years with absolute majority, the BJP winning as many as 71 out of 80 seats. The unexpected opposition on assumed fears and baseless apprehensions against Modi in Jammu and Kashmir state by the NC and its  chief has seen NC winning not a single seat  as  BJP has won 2, PDP 3 and 1 independent candidate  having BJP support.
The trio of Mulayam Singh, Mayawati and Lalu Prasad who bore the “burden” of extending support to the UPA1 and 2  not for any reasons but  “only to keep communal forces out” are now relieved of the burden as all the three stand duly  “replied”  by the electorate   and  “the communal forces”  are  in. Again, none among Mamta Ji, Jayalalitha Ji and Mayawati Ji could exercise the power as king makers, likewise they cannot have any say at the centre to decide political matters asking for pound of flesh. However, the PM designate has humbly given a clarion call to them and all to join his government  to take this country forward together jointly in the spirit of cooperation as “I will work for you like a labourer, not waste a minute , nor spare an effort…”
The people have pinned hopes on Modi , especially the young voters who see in him  an iconic figure, to redeem them from the difficulties of mis-governance, scourge of corruption, inflation, unemployment, non-availability of power and potable water,  and insecurity of women, to name a few. Agreed, it would take the new government some time to bring the economy back on rails, rectify the system and implement measures necessary to boost the economy but it hardly needs any reiteration that the new government shall surmount all hurdles and humps in its way to deliver and decide.
A new dawn of good days expectedly is slated to set in, heralding good governance, equal treatment to all without appeasement or undue favour, true and sincere secularism, discarding of vote bank and castiest politics, dispensation of timely justice, zero tolerance to terrorism and corruption and the like.