Plea to BOSE

This is to draw the attention of the BOSE authorities towards 12th and 10th Class results. The 12th Class result is out. Class XI is in pipeline. The students who passed the examination are satisfied with their performance have no complaints with BOSE. But those who fail or find that they have not secured a good percentage are a miserable lot. They have to go through a ordeal now. In case a student wants to recheck or re-evaluate his papers, he has suffer a lot due to a cumbersome procedure. Even after going through the same he does not get desired result. The re-evaluation process is lengthy one. It takes a pretty long for BOSE to get the paper re-evaluated. The re-evaluated paper hardly serves any purpose to the student. The inordinate delay in getting the new marks sheet makes him ineligible to seek admission in a college. The BOSE authorities are requested to make re-evaluation process quick, so that it may serve any purpose, otherwise it is wastage of money and time.
Yours etc…
Amit Sharma




Refer news item ’12th Class girl student jumps to death’ DE May 15.
The unfortunate incident has once again brought to fore the issue of suicides that has never been taken seriously by the society ,social scientists and the Government.
The present examination system in the State needs to be framed anew so that more transparency prevails. Though, the Board authorities had introduced some measures to bring in transparency and accountability in examinations, much more needs to be done in this sector. The marking done by evaluators is usually shoddy. The carelessness can be observed from the fact that a good number of students go for re-evaluation or rechecking of  answer sheets. Even after finding that errors are there made inadvertently or deliberately by evaluators nothing goes in favour of students. Once a students goes for marking or re-evaluation of a subject it takes a pretty long time to get the corrected marks sheet. By the time to get the corrected marks sheet. By the time a student gets a new marks card, it does not serve him much as he can’t submit the same for seeking admission in a college or figure in the merit list.
The BOSE authorities should in the first instance ensure that answer sheets are marked properly and the marks secured calculated correctly. Most of the times, it happens that marks are not counted correctly. Some are left uncalculated.  The second step should be to dispose the cases  pertaining to re-evaluation quickly without making students move from one office to another.
Yours etc…
Anita Jamwal