Chinese media says bilateral ties set for “big boost” under Modi

BEIJING, May 27: China’s official media here today in a rare gesture extended its biggest coverage to an Indian political event projecting Narendra Modi’s takeover as Prime Minister as a harbinger of “big boost” to China-India relations.

“Modi to boost ties with China”, state-run ‘China Daily’ featured Modi’s take over as PM yesterday in its lead story recalling his visit to China as the Chief Minister of Gujarat in 2011 with meticulous preparations.

“He (Modi) presented a business card with one side in Chinese and in red the colour that symbolises wealth and good fortune in China”, it said.

“With modi taking the oath of office as India’s new Prime Minister on Monday”, the Daily added, “such attention to China is expected to be repeated.”

The article also included comments by some of the official think-tanks corroborating its theses projecting big boost to Sino-Indian ties under his leadership.

Modi’s earlier visits to China to scout investments as well as to study the Chinese success story and concentration of much China’s USD 900 million investments in India in Gujarat was also adequately highlighted in the coverage besides the goodwill message by Chinese Premier Li Keqiang.

Besides this, the Daily devoted half page on its back page tracing Modi’s rise from grass-root politics to the Prime ministership of India.

Another daily ‘Global Times’ too devoted a page with pictures of Modi’s swearing-in ceremony specially the Indian PM greeting his Pakistan counterpart Nawaz Sharif during the event, which was also widely shown on state run CCTV with commentaries by analysts.

In its editorial titled “Congratulations to Modi”, the China Daily said the “sweeping victory of Narendra Modi and his Bharatiya Janata Party in India’s elections was the outcome of Modi’s promise of reforms and credentials as an efficient doer in the State of Gujarat.”

“A purveyor of dreams in some people’s eyes, the campaigning Modi pledged to end policy-paralysis, reduce inflation and tackle corruption, some of the most outstanding stumbling blocks on India’s way ahead,” the editorial said.

“His pragmatic economic blueprint has been so tantalising to the market that it has reportedly boosted Indian stocks by 15 per cent so far this year,” it went on adding, ” The Indian rupee, too, has gained considerably.”

“And his preoccupation with development, which echoes this country’s own experiences and development philosophy, has inspired unprecedented optimism here over our South Asian neighbor’s growth potential”, it said.

Drawing an analogy with China, the editorial said: “A similar belief in and focus on development has brought China where it is today, and such a commitment to development can create an economic miracle next door in the world’s second most-populous country.” (PTI)