Poll debacle

The recent poll debacle of NC-Congress, coalition candidates who lost to the opposition PDP candidates in all the three seats of Srinagar, Anantnag and Baramulla in the Kashmir valley and to the BJP in Jammu, Udhampur and Ladakh seats, is due to the anti-people and anti-employees policies of the coalition partners. There was/is no check in the price rise of essential commodities. Corruption in every field is the order of day. Politicians, at the helm of suffers, are amassing wealth by applying fair and foul means. Employees, who are the backbone of Govt. machinery, are the worst sufferers. No heed has been paid towards their genuine demands.
State Assembly elections are approaching very near. It is right time for the coalition Govt to initiates some concrete steps for the welfare of masse in general and State employees in particular. ST status to Pahari speaking people, settlement of refugees problems, rehabilitation of Kashmiri Pandits in the Valley, controlling price rise of essential commodities and curbing the menace of corruption, large scale recruitment of educated unemployed youths, filling up the vacant post of all categories are some of the major issues which need to be addressed by the coalition Govt before the commencement of Assembly election.
Besides enhancement in retirement age of Govt employees, enhancement in medical allowance of employees and pensioners, regularization of all daily wagers/RETs, payment of all pending arrears to employees pensioners in respect of 6th pay commission, constitution of a committee for 7th pay commission etc. are some of the burning issues which must be sorted out at the earliest otherwise the future prospects of NC and Congress is very gloom and under clouds in our State.
Yours etc….
J S Awal