Lecture on “Bank frauds and investigation” organized

Excelsior Correspondent
JAMMU, June 1: Crime Branch Jammu today organized a lecture on the topic ‘Bank frauds and its investigation’ at Crime Branch Jammu.
The main aim of the lecture was to update the knowledge of Crime Branch Officer/officials with regards to the seen, unseen frauds committed in connivance with bank employees and fraudster, in siphoning off pubic money.
Assistant Manager RBI, Jammu, Anil Pandotra was the guest speaker who elaborated in detail how to conduct an effective investigation to solve the bank frauds. He cleared the difference between technology, paper and instrument based frauds which are generally done in day today transactions.
The guest speaker elaborated in detail the various guidelines issued by the RBI to detect frauds and the relevant laws under RPC, Banking Regulation Act-1949 etc. He cleared the loop holes which the fraudster resorts to gain fraudulently in the field of phishing, vishing, mobile banking. The concept of fraud triangle i.e financial, personal habit, work related feelings of fraudster, the value of Know Your Customer (KYC) while opening the account of an individual in a bank were also emphasized and the relevant documents to be collected during the investigation by the I/O were also highlighted by him.
The officers namely Kulbushan Sharma, Chief Prosecuting Officer CBJ, Rajinder Singh Katoch, Additional SP CBJ, Jagbir Singh Sumbria, Dy SP CBJ, Inspr. Zahid Saif Wani I/C Police Station Crime, Inspr. Manjeet Singh I/C Cyber Cell CBJ and all the I/Os/NGOs of Crime Branch Jammu attended the lecture and had interactive session with the guest speaker.
The participating officers/officials cleared their legal doubts which they usually face while investigating  bank frauds.
The session was presided over by Shakti Pathak, SSP Crime Branch Jammu who emphasized the need of holding such interactive session frequently to update the I/Os for effective investigation of bank frauds by Crime Department.
Later on , he honoured the guest speaker by presenting him a memento as a token of respect and appreciation on behalf of all ranks Crime Branch Jammu.
Chief Prosecuting Officer, CBJ, Rajesh Bakshi conducted the proceedings.