Kids with nutritious foods perform better in school: Michelle

WASHINGTON, June 13:  US First Lady Michelle Obama encouraged kids to eat nutritious food, vegetables and fruits, saying that by doing so they would perform better in school.
“We know that kids who have nutritious foods, vegetables and fruits, they do better in school. They have better disciplinary outcomes. They have higher test scores. So we simply can’t afford to say, oh, well, it’s too hard so let’s not do it,” Michelle said.
For millions of kids in this country, their main source of nutrition comes from the food that they get in their schools, she said in her remarks before the White House Garden Harvest event yesterday.
“We are paying billions of dollars to invest in that food as taxpayers. And as a result, it’s up to us to make sure that these kids get the best food that they can get into their stomachs because it’s not just about nutrition, it’s about their academic success,” the First Lady said.
“And as this First Lady will tell you, I’m going to fight until the bitter end to make sure that every kid in this country continues to have the best nutrition that they can have in our schools, because these kids, all of these kids are worth it,” she said. (PTI)