Apathy for indigenous medicine


From ancient times two streams of indigenous medicine have been in use in our country. These are Ayurvedic medicine and Unani medicine. The first one is as old as the Vedas. In fact one of the four Vedas named Yajura Veda has been devoted to the Ayurvedic system of medicine. Ayurvedic essentially deals with the lengthening of life span and is a compendium of herbal medicine and yoga exercises. Patanjali is considered the greatest exponent of Ayurvedic system of medicine basing the entire medical theory on the concept of three elements namely vat, pith and kaf composing health structure.

Unani medicine developed from medical theories propounded by great Greek doctors of medicine like Galen and Hippocrates re-named as Jalinus and Abqarat by Arab medical practitioners who had read their medical thesis in Arabic translation. Prior to the advent of Islam, Ayurvedic system was in full vogue in India including Kashmir. But after the rise of Muslim rule, Unani medical system was promulgated by the Arab/Muslim physicians in India. During the Muslim rule, Unani medical system attained great popularity though, of course, the indigenous Ayurvedic system also existed side by side. Actually both systems are based on herbal treatment though nomenclature of herbs differs.

Ayurvedic system has remained as primary healing system with emphasis on environment, response to environment, exposure to sunshine and clean air etc. That is why in Vedas pollution of elements of nature like water, landscape, wind, trees and flora and fauna was strictly forbidden. But Unani system depended on using the herbs and herbal products as curing elements. The names of herbs are imported   from Iran where it has been in use for millennia after millennia and the entire medical phraseology has been borrowed from the Arabic.

Some people closely associated with traditional or indigenous medical treatment have not been able to shift to allopathic treatment. There is a touch of nostalgia in indigenous medical treatment. It is difficult to analyze why it is so. Some people are wary of side effects of allopathic medicine asserting that indigenous treatment whether Ayurvedic or Unani has no side effect.

The State Government had taken a right and a bold step in promoting both systems and for that purpose the Ayurvedic College was opened in Jammu and Unani College in Kashmir. Funds have also been allocated for the purpose and infrastructure has also come up maximally. But the obstruction is in according formal sanction to the opening of Degree classes in each stream. This is a complicated matter and the sanction has to be obtained from the Central Council of Indian Medicines and the Government of India as stipulated in the rules. That sanction has not come as yet and the reason is not known to us. Such medical Colleges have been opened in other States in accordance with the rules that are normally applicable. Why our State lags behind in these services is difficult to understand. The Directorate of AYUSH that looks after indigenous medical system in the State is reported to have approached the Central authorities for according sanction but so far it is awaited.

The fact of the matter is that a huge chunk of State population has been practicing traditional medicines and in many cases ailments have been overcome. Thus in pursuance of the general interests of the people of the State, the Government has made the right investment. True, the two colleges will need manpower, technical staff, infrastructure and other accessories. These cannot run without necessary infrastructural wherewithal. The Government should pursue the matter with the Medical Council of India an also allocate adequate funds for completing whatever has remained incomplete so far. We cannot lay more emphasis on the cost aspect because after all cost escalation has to be kept in mind. But it is the efficacy of medicines and medical treatment that are paramount considerations. As such we hope the Government will take the matter of bringing the completion of the two colleges to final stage and make sure that BAMS and BUMS degree courses are sanctioned without further delay.