NC hopes of resolution of JK issue through talks


SRINAGAR: Ruling National Conference today expressed hope that India and Pakistan will address Jammu and Kashmir issue to the satisfaction of all stakeholders through dialogue.

“We appreciate the recent talks between Pakistan’s Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif and Indian Prime Minister Narenda Modi towards laying a foundation for building confidence (and) as a step forward in resolving the outstanding issues.

“We hope that the burning issue of J&K, which has been a major reason for tension between the two countries, shall be addressed to the satisfaction of all stake holders,” a resolution passed by NC at the meeting of its Central Working Committee read.

Another resolution passed at the nine-hour meeting, chaired by Chief Minister Omar Abdullah, said the party will continue to strive for integrity and special status of J&K.

“National Conference stands for the unity, integrity and the special status of J&K and shall continue to strive for this noble cause of defending its secular character. The party believes in unity among all the regions of the State above caste, creed, colour and geographical boundaries.

“We further resolve that we shall continue to work in this direction and vehemently defeat the ill designs of the forces that are hell bent to weaken the secular credentials of the state of J&K.

“We resolve and stand by our commitment that Jammu, Kashmir and Ladakh is a single entity exemplifying unity in diversity, and shall defend the same by defeating the disintegrative forces,” it said. (AGENCIES)