Writers who enriched Dogri

O P Sharma
8The story of the pioneers of Dogri stalwarts is both interesting and informative. In  this article, the contribution of four leading lights of Dogri writers has been analyzed for  their crucial role in the development of the Dogri language and its literature.
Dinoo Bhai Pant
Born at Panthal village near Katra in an orthodox family with meager means,  Pant’s early childhood was full of difficulties which strengthened him to face life with a  positive outlook. Pant had to leave his education midway to support his family.
Dinoo Bhai Pant made  a great contribution in the promotion of the Dogri language.  His outstanding Gutlun, Shehar Pehlo Pehl Gae proved an instant hit in 1944. Mangu De Chhbeel,  a collection of Dogri poems, Veer Gulab (Khand Kavya) brought glory to this poet and gave  place of pride and popularity . His progressive writing is a milestone which set a new trend  in Dogri poetry focusing on people’s problems.
In 1944 the Dogri language got a fillip with setting up of the Dogri Sanstha, a  literary and cultural organization of which Pant was one of was founding members like Prof  Ram Nath Shastri, D C Prashant, B P Sathe, N D Misra, Sansar Chand Baru and few others. The  Sanstha while working for Dogri, also made endeavors for cultural rejuvenation. Earlier, in  1942 he had founded Hindi Sahitya Mandal. He was also associated with Dogra Mandal.
Gutlun’s instant popularity set a chain reaction in Dogri poetry with host of new  a poets writing in this language, bridging the cultural gap between the ruralite and the  urbanite. Nawan Gran was the play, Pant wrote jointly with Prof Ram Nath Sahstri and R K  Abrol. The tragic-drama, Sarpanch, written by him has frequently been played within and  outside the State. Based as it is on folklore, it is the story of a village headman who makes  supreme sacrifice for justice and honour.
Ayodhya in Dogri won him the prestigious Sahitya Akademi Award in 1985. In  Ayodhya the author has adopted a very daring and unconventional way in dealing with the  character of Kakae who was always depicted as villain in the Ramayana.  On the Hindi-Dogri relation, , Dinoo Bhai Pant said as follows :
Hindi Saari Dadi Aai
Te Dogri Saari Maa
Dadi thaar Dadi Aai
Te Maa thaar Maa
(Hindi is our grand-mother and Dogri our mother. While grandmother, has her own  place and respect, our mother- tongue is equally important and dear to us)
Prof Ram Nath Shastri
Prof Ram Nath Shastri infused a new life into its literary movement through the Dogri  Sanstha,. A prolific writer, critic poet, short story writer, Prof Shastri outshines many  stalwarts of the Dogri poets and writers. Numerous writers have been inspired or influenced by  this literary genius.
Recipient of many awards and honours, Prof Ram Nath Shastri got Sahitya Akademi  Award,1976 for his book titled Badnami Chhan, a collection of short stories in Dogri. He was bestowed the Padam Shri title for his rich contribution to culture and literature.
Born on April 14, 1914, Shastri did Matriculation from Sri Ranbir Multi-Lateral  School, Parade and later passed Pragya and Visharad in Sanskrit and then completed the course  of Shastri from Raghunath Pathshala, Jammu. Subsquently, he did MA Sanskrit from University of  Punjab, Lahore in 1943 and became a Lecturer in Prince of Wales College (now Gandhi Memorial,  Science College), Jammu and retired in 1970 . He was Senior Fellow from 1970 to 1975 at the  University of Jammu in the Dogri Department. He remained Chief Editor of Dogri Dictionary  project (1977-1987) in the Cultural Academy. The 6-volumes work of Dogri Dictionary is a  unique contribution to the development of the Dogri language.
Prof Shastri has carved out a place for himself in almost are genres of Dogri literature.  Beside he translated some classic works like Bhartari Hari’, Rabindra Nath Tagore, Mahatma  Gandhi’s autobiography “My Experiment with Truth”. His other publications include: Naman Gran  (Dogri play) co-authored with Mr Dinu Bhai Pant and RK Abrol in 1956, Bawa Jitto (a ballad  of famous folk hero), Badnami Di Chhan ( a collection of six short-stories). He also wrote  Jhakdian Kiran (one set play), Dharti Da Rin and Talkhiyian, a collection of his poems. Dharti  Da Rin won him J&K Cultural Academy Award. His Badnami Da Chhan brought him the Sahitya  Akademi Award in 1976.
Kehri Singh Madhukar
Kehri Singh Madhukar is one of the top creative poets who has made rich contribution to  the Dogri language and its literature. Madhukar is a recipient of prestigious Sahitya Akademi  Award for his poetry book “Main Mele Ra Janu” in the year 1977. The poetry of Madhukar is a  proud possession of the Dogri literature for its sweet language, wide variety of themes and  issues concerning the women and weaker sections of the society.
Born on November 28, 1930 at Gurah Slathian in Samba, Madhukar belonged to a   reputed family of Dogra Rajputs. After preliminary education in his native village, he studied  in Sri Pratap Rajput Memorial School, Jammu. Later, he studied at SP College, Srinagar and  mthen in the Gandhi Memorial Science College, Jammu. Madhukar commenced his literary journey by writing in Hindi, Urdu and Punjabi till 1950  when Prof Ram Nath Shastri persuaded him to switch over to writing in his mother-tongue,  Dogri. At the age of 20 he started working in the Radio Kashmir, Jammu during 1950-54 as an
Announcer and Script Writer. This laid the firm foundation for his literary pursuits. He was  associated with the progressive movement and worked with stalwarts like Ram Piara Saraf, KD  Sethi, Pt Trilochan Dutt, GL Dogra and GM Sadiq.
This distinguished Dogri poet wrote poetry, radio play, operas as also translated many  texts. Another field in which Madhukar has made his mark is compilation of many volumes of  Dogri folklore and nine volumes of Dogri-Dogri dictionary during his tenure as an Editor in  the J&K Academy of Art, Culture and Languages. Ekottarhati is a book of Dogri verse to verse  translation of 101 Bangla poems of Nobel Laureate Rabindra Nath Tagore. This work was  undertaken by him in 1961 during the centenary celebrations of Gurudev Rabindra Nath Tagore.
His collection of poems “Dola Kun Thapeya” won him the award from the J&K Academy of Art,  Cultural and Languages in 1964-65. While in the year 1967 he was conferred a Robe of Honour  by the Academy. Madhukar’s another publication “Padam Gokhroo”, a collection of poems was also  awarded the first prize by the J&K State Cultural Academy in 1990-91.
In 1962 Madhukar joined the J&K Academy of Art, Culture and Language as editor and edited its  quarterly journal, Sheeraza.
Padma Sachdev
An eminent Dogri poet and prose writer, Padma Sachdev has left indelible imprints on  the contemporary Dogri literature. Born on April 17, 1940 and brought up in Jammu, Padma,  while studying, sang Dogri songs and got into limelight with her poem Raje dian Mandlian.
She has four collection of Dogri poems, two prose works in Hindi and a number of  articles to her credit. She joined Radio Station, Jammu in 1961 as an Announcer and two years  later shifted to All India Radio, New Delhi as first woman a News Reader in Dogri, which was a  momentous occasion in her life. Padma Sachdeva has propagated the cause of Dogri not only in  Jammu and Kashmir but throughout the country. She gave a much needed impetus to this language  when she persuaded ace singer Lata Mangeshkar to sing some Dogri songs.
The J&K State Academy of Art, Culture and Languages awarded her in 1987. She is also  recipient of “Robe of Honour”, for her outstanding contribution. Some of her Dogri poems  have been translated into various Indian languages, a few into Russian as well. She has also  got Padam Shree Award.
She bagged the prestigious Sahitya Akademi Award in Dogri during 1971 for her  publication “Mere Kavita Mere Geet.” Her other publications include; Dewankhana and Mitwas  Ghar based on her interview of some leading figure in various fields. She has also penned  down Gode Bhar , a collection of short stories in Hindi.
The J&K Academy of Art, Culture and Languages has also awarded her for two  anthologies, Pota Pota Nimbal and Nherian Galian. A Robe of Honour has also been bestowed on  her by the Academy.  Padma Sachdeva’s contribution to the Dogri language and literature is immense.
(Starline Syndicate Service)