KPS takes serious exception to Geelani, Shah’s statements

Excelsior Correspondent

JAMMU, June 23: A meeting of the executive committee of the K P Sabha Jammu was held to discuss the disturbing reactions coming from the Valley regarding the proposed return package being finalized by the Government of India.
The meeting was chaired by K.K.Khosa. The members observed that the hue and cry raised by the separatists in the Valley led by SA Geelani,  Shabir Shah and others regarding the proposed plans of the Government of India to create three townships to settle the displaced Kashmiri Pandits is most unwarranted and highly deplorable.
The meeting said while on the one hand these leaders have been shouting from rooftops that Kashmiri Pandits are an integral part of Kashmir society and therefore are welcome to return to the Valley yet whenever any steps are envisaged in this direction by the Government they indulge in such tirade which clearly exposes their nefarious designs and inimical attitude towards the Pandit community. When they are fully aware that more than 60-70% of the Pandits have been forced to dispose off their properties and lands for various reasons during the last 24 years, their insistence that Pandits should return only to their own houses and hearths smacks of ill will and malice towards the community and exposes them to the charge of being a willing conspirator to the exodus, it added.
If there was any element of goodwill and sympathy towards the Kashmiri Pandits, Syed Ali Shah Geelani and company should have come forward and extended a hand of cooperation to implement the proposed plan of establishing three townships in the Valley for the community. Their objection that the settlement of KPs in the Valley will result in a demographic change is totally misleading and mischievous since Kashmiri Pandits are aborigines of Kashmir and have been forced to flee due to threat to their lives, the meeting said.