Robert De Niro crashes into random party to watch World Cup?

LOS ANGELES, June 28:  Hollywood star Robert De Niro crashed into someone’s party to watch World Cup match between the US and Germany.
According to a neighbor, at that time the “Killing Season” actor was in the middle of filming his new movie “The Intern” in Brooklyn’s Cobble Hill neighborhood, reported Ace Showbiz.
Warner Bros sent a mail asking if anyone could help De Niro, 70, watch the soccer match by sending an email to their apartment building.
“Our lead actor, Robert De Niro, would very much like to watch the World Cup game, today at 12pm. Would it be possible to place a small portable satellite on the building rooftop ASAP and run a cable to the street to help facilitate this request?” the email read.
A nearby house later invited the actor to join their World Cup party.
“He wasn’t going to miss the game! He’s a true American. He has no problem hanging, he enjoyed it,” a source said.
“The Intern” also stars Anne Hathaway, Adam DeVine and Anders Holm. The movie is about an owner of a successful fashion website who hired an elderly intern. It will be released in September 2015. (PTI)