Devotion-Pathway to God

Vijay Vohra
The spiritual path of devotion to God (Bhakti Yoga) is one of three primary approaches to self realization, which are outlined in Hindu thought. The other two paths are the way of selfless action (Karma Yoga) and the way of wisdom (JnanaYoga). On each path, the aspirant seeks to reduce ego and merge with divine principal.
The way of action, karma is based upon the aspirant’s selfless service to others. The Karma Yogi serves the Lord in the form of other people and creatures. By concentrating on the needs of others, the karma yogi removes the barriers to liberation. The potential difficulty of this path is the aspirant’s pride in his or her accomplishments in the field of service.
The seeker of wisdom, the Jnani aspires to freedom through the exercise of intuitive wisdom. To merge with formless oneness this seeker relies on experiential cognition of divinity. In this age the path of wisdom is difficult for most seekers. It is for the Jnani to become caught up in his own scholarship.
The major benefit of the devotional/Bhakti path in this age is that it avoids the pitfalls of pride. In this era of spiritual decline, devotion is said to be the safest and easiest path for most people to realize God, Bhakti according to Gita, is the love for God and love reinforced by a true knowledge of the glory of God. It surpasses the love for all worldly things. This love is constant and is centered in God and God alone, and cannot be shaken under any circumstance whether in prosperity or in adversity. The devotee’s loving surrender to God draws God to the devotee. The Bhakta is like a thirsty kitten crying for its mother, the mother responds to the kitten’s entreaty to relieve its need. Similarly, the Lord responds to those who depend on Him and selflessly love Him.
Devotion/Bhakti is a mystery of the heart. No amount of argument could persuade us to feel devotion towards the Lord, for it is the bond between the creator and the created which surpasses rational understanding. Perhaps it is in our nature to feel and express devotion. Bhakti to God implies ardent attention for Him, a yielding of the heart to Him with reverence, faith and piety in every act, particularly in prayer and meditation. Love is the essence of true devotion. The more we love God, the more devoted to Him we are. Devotion is therefore love manifested. It may result from life times of spiritual striving.
Bhagwan Sri Satya Sai Baba says, “The Lord is understood only by the bhakta (devotee) and the devotee is understood only by the Lord. So do not discuss matters relating to God with those who have no devotion. On account of such discussion your devotion will diminish”.
The immense love for God is termed Bhakti or devotion. Love is God incarnate. You are uniting love with love through the process of loving. Devotion is highest form of love. “Service to Hari known as Bhakti”. Devotion means constant contemplation of God. It is loving repetition of His name, worshipping and doing penance for Him. It does not merely doing bhajans or performing puja. True devotion should be free from selfishness of any kind. You can realize God only by immersing yourself in the most cordial love of comradeship with Him. No single relationship to the Lord is suitable for all devotees. All can love God in their own way. One person may assume the attitude of a child towards his mother or father. Another may see God as companion or close friend or brother. Jesus Looked upon God as His father in heaven. Sri Ramakrishna worshipped God as Mother. Any positive type of relationship or attitude enables us to draw closer to God. All forms of devotion are accepted by the Lord when expressed with love.
Devotion consists in developing the love of God in gradual stages. There is no better way in the world than loving God. This faith leads to self surrender which blossoms into intense love and culminates in the fruit of God realization. True devotion is to lead a divine life by dedicating oneself to the lotus feet of the Lord. The God rushes towards the bhakta faster than the bhakta rushes towards Him. He takes hundred steps towards you when you just take single step towards Him. He will be more than a mother or father. He will foster you from within you. You can gain the wonderful bliss of life only when devotional singing (bhajans) chanting of the divine name (Japa) and meditation etc. are done in a disciplined manner and with strong faith and deep love.
Beloved Swami says, “When grief overtakes you, you run to God, when joy is restored you throw Him overboard. Bhakti is not a temporary salve. It is unbroken contemplation of God without any other interposing thought or feeling”.
Again we may feel devotion when life is smooth and happy but maintaining devotion through difficult circumstances is the true test. True devotion remains constant and full in the face of adversity. We should rather welcome troubles as tests to prove our devotion.
Devotion to God must be single minded for it to be effective. The magnifying glass can ignite a fire because it concentrates the sun’s rays at a single point. Concentrated devotion burns away all obstacles to liberation even in this life time. The Lord cares for the purity of the motive behind the act, not for the pomp and show. Bhakti is matter of inner consciousness, not of the outer behavior. We find that the mind is steady when it is engaged in other activities, but when it is focused on God, it begins to waver. It does not like to stop its vagaries, but it will have to stop once God enters your heart. Tame your mind by Namasmarna (Japa). Have the name of your chosen God on your tongue, Divine form in your eyes, and Divine Glory in your heart, then even thunderbolts will pass you quietly by.
Bhagwan Baba says, “Devotion is simply the attachment towards God, affection towards the supreme. One need not fly away from hearth and home to cultivate it. Practice the attitude of offering every act at the feet of God as a flower is offered in puja. Make every breath an offering to Him. Install the Lord in your heart and offer Him the fruits of your actions and the flowers of your inner thoughts and feelings”.
Devotion is the slender thread of love that binds the heart of a devotee with the lotus feet of the Lord. It is love for love’s sake. There is not a bit of expectation of anything here. Staunch devotion is that devotion of the bhakta which never deviates from the Lord.
All the Sai devotees are aware of the divinity of Swami which helps us to make our devotion steady for ever. So on the scared occasion of Guru Purnima, to our Bhagwan Sri Satya Sai Baba, our Swami, and our Satguru, Guide, parent, friend and God we offer all that we are and ever will be. He is the one who inspires, He who motivates and He is our inspiration, Jai Sai Ram!!!