Homeland within Valley birth right of Pandits: PK

Excelsior Correspondent
JAMMU, July 6: Reiterating that homeland is the birth right of Kashmiri Pandits who were forced to leave Kashmir under a hatched conspiracy by the communal forces on the behest of Pakistan, Panun Kashmir (PK) today made it clear that the Margdarshan resolution of 1991 was the only acceptable model for the return of displaced KPs to Valley.
This was stated by PK leaders at activists meet held here today which was organized to take the stock of the emerging political scenario concerning the religiously cleansed Kashmiri Pandit Community.
The meeting was attended by a large number of PK activists to decide the future course of action and give a befitting reply to the forces hell bent to destabilize the KP community.
The meeting was jointly addressed by PK convener, Dr Agnishekhar and its chairman Dr Ajay Chrungoo.
Addressing the meeting Ajay Chrungoo said the religiously cleansed KPs had expressed their resolve to return to Kashmir when the religious, social, political and communal fault lines responsible of the holocaust and genocide of the community are addressed and justice is delivered.
The resolve was reaffirmed through the unanimous Margdarshan resolution in 1991, he said, adding various statements from the separatist formations that they will not allow the return and rehabilitation of the Pandits and their opposition to Homeland for KPs vindicates the fact that the carving out of homeland with UT status and the constituional guarantees is the only solution to reverse the religious cleansing and guarantee against any future refoulment.
Dr Agnishekhar exhorted the masses to be cautious saying that PK is well aware that the fifth columnists and the mercenaries of the enemy are playing dubious games to destabilize the KPs by subjecting it to the servitude of the killers of the community and keep it as hostage for their personnel benefits.
He said the need is to expose those enemies of the community who are wrecking the community interests by floating the balloons of separate zoons. He said the youth of the community has now an added responsibility in consolidating the rank and file of the community to take the battle of separate homeland within Kashmir to its logical conclusion and teach a lesson to the merchants of death once for all.