CM’s twitter

This has reference to CM’s twitter on KP return (DE 10 July). Mr. Chief Minister, please don’t play politics with displaced community. Enough is enough. Please don’t evade realities and don’t pass the buck to the Centre. Hoodwinking the displaced community, which you think is not your vote bank, will not help you.  Their line of thinking is simple logic.  During all these past ten years of your government, you have been telling New Delhi almost every month, if not every week, to settle “Kashmir dispute “with Pakistan. You never clarified what you think are prominent contours of the “dispute.”  All right, whatever the contours,  Kashmiri Pandit displacement is Pakistan made, and hence integral to the dispute. How then do you look forward to their return without first looking forward to final solution of the “dispute”? You are putting the cart before the horse. Secondly, and more importantly, the people in the valley have rejected your party and your coalition partner Congress in recent parliamentary election. It means they have rejected your demand of resolving “Kashmir dispute” with Pakistan. What do you Mr. CM think they rejected your demand for, and how would you perceive return of the displaced community in that scenario? Kindly come out with elucidation. Is it not self explanatory that in the light of people of the valley rejecting your coalition arrangement, that it is the people of the valley to whom the displaced community should look to instead of looking either to you or the government in New Delhi?
Dr. K.N. Pandita