JKVM delegation meets Javedkar, Deputy EC

Excelsior Correspondent
JAMMU, July 25:  A delegation of Jammu Kashmir Vichar Manch (JKVM), called on Deputy Election Commissioner, Vinod Zutshi  and appraised him about issues related to complicated procedures laid down by the Election Commission for voting of displaced Kashmiri Pandits.
The delegation included Sanjay Ganjoo, president JKVM, Ajay Bharti, organising secretary,  Manoj Bhan, general secretary and Dileep Mattoo, treasurer.
The Deputy Election Commissioner was also informed that as a result of this complicated process the number of displaced voters decreased constantly reaching to a dismal number of few thousand from around 200,000 prior to displacement.
The delegation demanded  that a sustained campaign should be undertaken by the Commission to ensure 100% registration of eligible voters, the complicated procedure of M Forms be dispensed with,     EPICs should be issued to all voters with their past and present address printed on it, voting booths for the community should be increased to make it possible for the voters to reach there conveniently, and electoral rolls of Kashmir Valley are made available to the community in English or Devnagri.
The delegation members were assured by DEC that they will do their best within the permissible rules and guidelines to improve enrolment of Kashmiri displaced voters and also to encourage casting of votes by the community.
The delegation also met the Union Minister of Information and Broadcasting Parkash Javedkar on Thursday and highlighted various points related to the Ministry concerning displaced community and national interest at large.  Most of these points were concerning DD Kashir. The delegation stressed on the point that DD Kashir was launched by the then NDA Government to propagate National interest in J&K and also to bring in peace and harmony in the troubled State but the present state of affairs with DD Kashir does not serve the basic purpose for which the channel was established.
The Minister assured the delegation that he will order a probe into the matter and resolve the issues raised by the delegation.
The delegation comprising of Sanjay Ganjoo, President JKVM,  Manmohan Bhan, its general secretary,  Ajay Pandita, Jt Secretary and Parikshit Kaul was accompanied by Swanzal Foundation members  including the film making fraternity of displaced Kashmiri Pandits. They raised issues related to discrimination faced by them from DD Kashmir authorities.