inner voice

The “God” blessed me,
With an obedient son,
Who always obeyed and served,
My heart he won.
He always co-operated,
His relatives and brothers,
He always showed sympathy,
For his friends and others.
He intensely “Loved”
His old and Ideal mother,
He remained dutiful,
And respected his elder.
How after marriage,
He is totally changed,
Facilities for oldies,
Are not how arranged.
He is busy in society,
And living separate,
The days are evident,
He will feel desperate.
How some ignore,
It is very strange,
Why after marriage,
Surely some feel change.
Some are orthodox,
They abide by “Dharma”
Some are negligent,
They forget their “Karma”
In the modern society,
“Kansas” are present,
“”Sarwana” will not be born,
“Rama” is absent.
If one shares the responsibilities,
We will always owe to him,
Being an old and dependent,
We should bow to him.
I pray to “God”
For the well being of my son,
If “God” gives him sense,
I will blame none.

Vidya Rattan

save earth
The sun rises in the east
Water flows streams to rivers
Birds are chirping on the branches of trees
People are walking on the streets.
But one thing makes dirty every thing
That is the pollution,
To get a solution
We need to do plantation
Change deforestation into afforestation.
Earth is our friend
Don’t let it end,
Save our mother earth
To give birth to happiness.

    Niyush Pandita

Just imagine 100 years ago,
When the life was very slow
No aeroplanes, no cars, and no trains
No much education but wise brains
No ACs, no mobiles, no electricity
No much fashion but more simplicity
No pizzas, no burgers, no whisky
Life was too easy but not so risky
No diplomas, degrees and laptops
Still morality and character was on the top
No bank balance, credit cards and much wealth
Still prosperous and enjoying good health
No beauty parlours, powders and face creams
Still cheerful, beautiful, neat and clean
No pollution, dilution and confusion
Plain speaking with courage and vision
Nature and greenry always prevailed
By all, healthy and cool breeze was inahaled
Simple living prolonged lives
Unplanned families but still healthy wives
Though one cannot go 100 years back
But let us regain what we have lost.

Bodh Raj Rao
Gurha Brahmna (Bantalab)

Rape, one word, four letter
That can never make anyone’s life better
For some its mere a word or a little more might be
But in real its an evil prevailing in our society
Its nothing less than the curse of the witches
Back-stabbing our society like the snitches
No matter by whom it is done
Old, adult, juvenile, poor or the riches
Everyday reading newspaper, turning the pages
You find there news about several rape cases
A minor rapes and murdered, a woman’s been
sexually harassed
The accused couldn’t be traced yet,
Police couldn’t make the arrest
Number’s been rising daily
But none knows the reason
Me, you, police commissioner,
Not even the politician
Some say its because of few men’s mental sickness
Who to blame and who not shouldn’t
be the concern
How to fight this evil, we have to learn
Because if not, for our society it can prove a threat
Now ‘Rape’ is just not a word with four alphabet
Rahul Sharma
B.Com 2nd Year
SPMR College of Commerce