Look and Feel Good

Shahnaz Husain
Day 1
Body Massage: Apply warm sesame seed (til) oil or olive oil on the body and massage it on the skin. Pay special attention to elbows and knees. Use circular strokes on the shoulders, elbows and wrists. Stroke down the muscles of the inner arms and then upwards on the back of the arms, in a smooth movement. Using the palms of the hands, massage in large circles over the whole front of the body, moving upwards and outwards from the centre. Use circular strokes for the abdomen. Apply oil to the whole leg, stroking upwards. Using both hands, one on the inside and one outside, massage down the front of the legs, from knee to ankle and then upwards at the back of the legs, from ankle to back of knees.
Body Pack: Mix ripe papaya pulp with two parts honey, two parts yogurt, two parts powdered dried orange and lemon peel and 3 parts oats. Apply on body and wash it off after half an hour. Mix liquid ingredients gradually, to get the right consistency.
Day 2
Shampoo : Select a mild herbal shampoo, according to your hair type. Oily hair may be washed three times a week. In hot and humid weather, wash more often. For dry hair, wash twice a week.
Wet hair thoroughly. Apply the shampoo and use your fingertips to rub it lightly into the scalp and hair. Work up lather. Rinse the hair by running plenty of water through the hair.
After washing the hair, avoid rubbing with a towel. Wrap your towel around the head for a few minutes to soak up moisture. Avoid brushing wet hair. It can cause the hair to stretch and break. Use a wide toothed comb, to comb out the tangles, starting from the ends and going upwards towards the scalp.
Day 3
Face Pack: Mix cucumber and papaya pulp with one teaspoon curd, one teaspoon honey, 4 teaspoons oats and one teaspoon fresh tomato paste. Apply on face and neck and wash it off after half an hour.
Beauty Bath
Beauty Bundle for Bath: An ideal way of using natural ingredients is to tie ingredients in a clean cloth, wet slightly and then rub the cloth bag on the skin. You can use besan, oats, dry and ground mint leaves, rose petals, almond meal, a little turmeric powder.
Day 4.
Hair Care: Nourishing: Take two teaspoons pure glycerin, one tablespoon sesame seed (til) oil and one egg yolk. Mix together and apply on the hair. Apply on the ends too. Wear a plastic shower cap and leave on for an hour before washing the hair.
Day 5.
Skin Care : Mix together two teaspoons honey, a little milk and rose water, dried and powdered lemon peels into a paste. Apply on face and neck. Wash it off after 20 minutes.
Hair Care: Mix some water with creamy hair conditioner and put it in a spray bottle. Spray the mixture on the hair. Then comb the hair, so that it spreads through the hair. Helps dry hair.
Day 6
Cooling Face Pack: Mix Cucumber juice (or pulp) with two teaspoons powdered milk and one egg white on face and neck and rinse off with water after half an hour. It will also help to remove tan.
For Hands: Take lemon juice and coarse sugar (large grains). Mix them just before use. Apply on the hands and rub gently till the sugar dissolves. Leave on for 5 minutes and wash off with water. Take fresh orange peels, pierce them with a fork. Rub the peels on the hands to brighten them.
Day 7
Eye Care: For dull and tired eyes, dip cotton wool pads in rose water and use as eye pads over closed lids. Lie down and relax for 10 minutes. It helps to remove fatigue and brighten the eyes. The fragrance of rose has a calming effect on the mind.
Hair Care : To prevent dandruff and lice infestations, soak Fenugreek (methi) seeds in water overnight. Next morning, make a paste of the seeds, add a little olive oil and apply on the scalp. Leave on for 20 to 30 minutes and then wash hair. The water can also be used to rinse the hair.