‘No talks’ shows bankruptcy in ‘South Block’: Bhim

Excelsior Correspondent
JAMMU, Aug 19: Reacting sharply on the unilateral decision of Modi-led Government in New Delhi to cancel Foreign secretarial level talks between India and Pakistan, Prof. Bhim Singh, chief patron of National Panthers Party, Member of National Integration Council, expressed shock on the ‘bankruptcy’ shown by the ‘think-tank’ in the South Block (Prime Ministerial Office) in taking such a hasty decision.
The NPP supremo said that the meeting of the so-called Kashmiri separatist leader could have been put a stop within the scope of the legal mechanism. He said that the Hurriyat leaders in Srinagar are occasionally rather frequently detailed inside their houses even on the Fridays to stop them from attending religious congregations in Kashmir. Why the Government allowed them to attend official meeting with the High Commissioner of Pakistan in New Delhi if such a meeting was not in the interest of the security of the State.
Prof. Singh questioned Prime Minister Modi’s hidden designs to highlight such an unimportant issue to exploit the innocent minds diverting them from the real issues and problems created by the presence of hostile provisions in Article 370 in the Constitution of India. NPP leader questioned the Prime Minister why Article 370 is not amended so as to empower the Parliament to legislate, at least, in respect of subjects mentioned in the Union List (Central List) of Schedule-VII of the Constitution. He said that it is Article 370 which is responsible for several problems on the way of national integration and that’s why it needs amendment so that the Fundamental Rights enshrined in the Constitution of India are extended to J&K as well.
He described the decision of the Government to cancel the talks with Pakistan as highly undiplomatic, unnecessary which lacks courage and wisdom to continue confidence building measures with our neighbourers so that the problems could be settled amicably and peacefully. He said J&K is no problem except Article 370 and illegal occupation of 32,000 sq. miles of our territory by Pakistan and 20,000 sq. miles of our territory by China. He preferred a referendum in Gilgit-Baltistan (our territory which has been annexed by Pakistan since 2009 as Pakistan’s fifth province) whether the people in PoK or Gilgit would like to continue their future with Pakistan. That is peaceful solution which both India and Pakistan should respect.
Prof. Singh cautioned the Govt. of India about the CIA latent operations to dislodge Nawaz Sharief Government which has not been digested by the White House in Washington. Indian leadership should understand that Nawaz Sharief has been friendly with India and his ouster shall not be in the interest either of India or Pakistan.