Bail denied to HM militant

Excelsior Correspondent
JAMMU, Sept 1: Principal Sessions Judge Ramban Rajesh Sekri today rejected the bail application of one Nissar Ahmad, alleged militant of Hizbul Mujahideen.
According to prosecution case, on May 23, 2014 Police Station Banihal came to know from reliable sources that a militant namely Nissar Ahmed, who joined the ranks of a banned militant organization namely Hizbul Mujahideen in the year 2000, crossed the Line of Control and went to Pak occupied Kashmir for training in the militants training camp. After returning from PoK, he remained active in the militancy related activities.
On the receipt of information, police swung into action and registered FIR No. 41/2014 for offences under Sections 3 of Enemy Agent Ordinance. During investigation accused was arrested from bus stand Banihal with a number of incriminating documents and material. Since the accused had hidden some incriminating documents including air ticket of Karachi, a mobile along with SIM issued by some Pakistan mobile company, the investigating agency prima facie satisfied about the commission of offences punishable under Sections 3 EAO Act and 201 RPC.
After hearing Advocates T R Mushtaq and T H Malik for the accused person, Principal Sessions Judge Ramban observed, “there is no doubt that allegations against the accused are very serious in nature and in view of alleged history of the accused, propensity on his part to jump over bail, tamper the prosecution evidence or, to go underground or cross over the Line of Control, to frustrate the trial cannot be ruled out”.
“Militancy in this part of the country has not only threatened the security and sovereignty of the country but also wrecked the economy of the State, rattled and terrorized the people, resulting in mass exodus”, the court said, adding “in these circumstances liberation of accused at this stage may also leave an adverse impact on the people”.
With these observations, court dismissed the bail application.