Panun Kashmir reconstitutes team at Delhi NCR

Excelsior Correspondent

NEW DELHI, Sept 1: The Working Committee of Delhi NCR of Panun Kashmir met here under the chairmanship of P K Chairman Dr. Ajay Chrungoo.
The meeting was attended by Dr. Shakti Bhan, vice chairperson P K, Vijay Tickoo, vice chairman, Ramesh Handoo senior leader, Kashi Akhoon, Chand Jee Pandita, Puran Munshi, Rupesh Pandita and Dileep Kaul.
Addressing the meeting Dr. Ajay Chrungoo urged upon the members to redouble their efforts in mobilizing the opinion about the need of Panun Kashmir and implored that time has come when community needs to rededicate to collective memory as the highest value to be preserved and perpetuated so that the KPs are able to improve their present and endeavour to create a new future without a sense of fear or failure. He added that community has to realise that its collective memory is its strength as it nourishes its wisdom and power of perseverance. These attributes help the community to find the ways even where it encounters dead ends and blind alleys. All these years in exile it has stood up to the forces of exclusion and persecution, he added.
Dr Chrungoo said despite odds the KPs have pursued dignity, honour and excellence in exile. They have created a vision to reverse the exile completely and permanently. To build a future the community has to set goals, he added.
For this community has to understand the areas where it is deficient.
To smoothen the working and infuse new energy, the Delhi NCR working team was reconstituted. Declaring the new working team Vijay Tickoo announced Chand Jee Pandita as the coordinator P K Delhi NCR, Puran Munshi as Sec. Organization Delhi NCR, Kashi Akhoon in charge Finances Delhi NCR, Rupesh Pandita in charge of media affairs Delhi NCR. Vijay Tickoo also declared a Political Affairs Committee to be headed by Dr. Shakti Bhan with Ramesh Handoo and himself as its members. The entire team applauded the efforts of Panun Kashmir and assured its leadership full support and cooperation. The team members were unanimous in lauding the latest efforts of both Dr. Agnishekhar and Dr.Ajay in initiating an issue based unity amongst the two factions of Panun Kashmir. The members pledged to take this initiative forward at Delhi and other places.