Colombia deports 2 Venezuelan student activists

BOGOTA, Sept 6: Colombia has deported two Venezuelan student activists, drawing criticism on both sides of the border by groups who fear they’ll be unjustly prosecuted for their political views.
Lorent Saleh, whose arrest had been sought by President Nicolas Maduro’s government, was handed over to Venezuelan authorities Thursday night after he was detained for overstaying and violating the terms of his visa.
Fellow Venezuelan Gabriel Valles was expelled yesterday though his visa remained valid. Both are members of the activist group Operation Liberty, which is critical of the Venezuelan government.
Saleh can be seen loudly protesting Colombia’s decision in a video of the handover shot with a cellular phone by a fellow activist.
“(Colombian) President Juan Manuel Santos is negotiating and handing over the students,” Saleh shouts as he is ushered from a white van parked on the Simon Bolivar international bridge to members of Venezuela’s national security agency. “Migration authorities are responsible for violating my human rights and right to life.”
Colombian authorities said that Saleh faced multiple charges and an arrest order in Venezuela. They said he entered the country on Feb 19, during the height of protests in Venezuela against Maduro’s socialist government, and from Colombian territory engaged in unspecified political activities not allowed by foreigners.
When his 90-day visa expired, he was fined and given 10 days to normalise his migratory status. In the end, he didn’t apply for another visa nor did he request political asylum, the foreign ministry said in a statement.
“We don’t know where he is or how he’s doing,” Dayi Sedano, who was with Saleh when he was detained on Thursday in Bogota, told The Associated Press. “The last contact anyone has had with him was on the bridge.”
His family does not know his whereabouts either, according to the Venezuelan nonprofit Penal Forum.
Valles entered Colombia in early June with a 90-day tourist visa, which he renewed earlier this month, according to authorities.
Immigration police arrested him yesterday in the Colombian city of Cucuta, near the border with Venezuela. The Colombian Foreign Ministry said he had been carrying out “activities expressly prohibited under the immigration laws,” but did not offer additional details. (AGENCIES)