Inner Voice


To realize it’s worth
Was this all I had to bear
I know the brave hearts are all around
I know the courageous brethren are near
But I am under such a spell of fear
Because death seems to be so near
Come, take me away to safer lands
And I know you are the only angels here
Come, find me and just hold my hands
My home that I grew in is no more safe
My village, my town is all a lake
My people, my family, nowhere near me
But I fear the worst hasn’t happened to me
I am lost, but I am here
But of others I don’t know where
They are, but I am somewhere here
I the midst of a city that I know but don’t recognize
Mine are silent, but I can hear others’ cries
And as I blame God for doing this to me
Something in the water comes swimming to me
I hold a newborn life that is now dead
The once pious water is now blood red
What is my loss as compared to that mother?
Who has lost her life in this flood fury of water
What is my suffering as compared to that father
Who couldn’t bury his child,
It’s a suffering like no other
A child, a mother, a sister, a brother
We’ve all lost someone
It binds us together
The sun is not visible, nor is any hope
I know it’s night
But there’s no help in sight
As the time passes by, I hear a faint sound
An army helicopter has brought hope all around
I am safe now and my wounds are healing
What about the wounds of heart and what of the feelings
My orchards, my gardens, my home destroyed
Can anyone now, ever fill this void?
I won’t, you won’t
We won’t let hell overtake heaven
It will endure the fury of time
Since it is a heaven on earth
Indeed the only one.

Anmol Rathore


‘Rape’ a small word with only four letters,
but when committed by someone becomes a big matter.
It can happen with a lady or a minor,
because some idiots don’t have manners.
in India there are still no strong laws,
to save girls from the bloody culprit’s claws.
The worst was the Delhi rape case,
for so many months the culprits couldn’t be chased.
This is a matter of utter shame,
still the ministers get name and fame.
When will India become rape free,
and we the girls will walk with glee.
Come let’s raise our voice against the rapes,
so the girls even at night can go to buy grapes.
This is really a serious problem dear,
which always ends up with the tears.
Come let us pray for ‘RAPE FREE’ India,
so that in future we may see beautiful ‘DIVAS’

Shifali Bandral
164-B, Jeevan Nagar


I was so content with my niche,
Distress had never passed by me,
I ascended so high in the sky
Freely flapping wings to soar
Too high,
Inhaling cool airs,
I had no fears,
I landed on the tops,
For a restful stop.
Accoompanied by my own species,
I abided in my wondrous niche.
Flanked by hills around,
My niche knew no bounds,
I enjoyed the life in tress,
Besides the gigantic seas,
I slept a sound sleep,
Nothing disrupted my peace.
All of a sudden a strong breeze,
Made me bow on my knees,
It tore apart my nest and niche,
Robbed me of my peace and ease,
I lost my hiche,
I loved so much,
Pray my Eden is restored as such.

Ashiq Hussain Rather


Moment was about to sunset,
I was sitting in room alone,
Near fireplace in that winter,
sounding ‘dhip dhip dhip’
Evening sunray was striking,
in the corner of my room,
through slight open curtain
I was taking a sip of tea with,
my favourite type of bread
and sound of silence was
pointing in my deep ear
like that of woodpecker’s
chisel pecking the bark of tree
Though, even my desire to
bring that moment again,
I can’t be a part of that,
Because now I am far apart
in a different world.

Tundup Namgail
GGM Science College
B Sc. I Semester